Chap 21

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Vagus POV: 

After Harry made it back to his Cabin I went to mine. When I walked in I saw a very angery Redemption staring back at me.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"None of your bussiness," I replied. He frowned and then pulled his hood off, revealing the face of Luke Castelien. Like me all his scars were gone and his hair was now a bright fiery red. Following his example I pulled my hood off as well revealing my sliver hair and one sea green eye and a pure white one.

"Veritas I really don't think your in a position to lie to me," Luke growled out. I glared at him.

"That's not my name, my name is Vagus," I snarled right back. Two can play this game bitch. He glared at me some more and then went off to his room in a huff. I scoffed at his childish attituted and then went to my own room.

"Grahh!" I turned toward the farmillar screech as Treasure landed on my shoulder.

"Hey girl," I said as I sat on my stool whil scratching Treasure behind her ear tuffs. My room looked like it was pulled out of a forest. My bed was a hammok and the carpet was magical grass. The hammok was streched between two large trees, My desk was a ancenit oak tree that had fallen over and the seat was a stump.Tall grass surroned my them with a couple brich trees scatered around though behind a darker patch of grass was my bathroom area which had a small pool of water just big enough for three people (wink, wink) the pool was surroned by flowers and cat tail plants. The ground in the 'bathroom' was soft sand. After feeding Treasure I climbed into my Hammok and fell asleep.

Line Break

Then second I stepped into the Dinning Pavilion everyone stopped talking and the second Redemption stepped in the silence turned to murmuring. I could feel him glaring at me even through my hood. Sticking his chin in the air he stalked over to our table which was pure black which dark grey seats. I followed suit and sat down on the otherside of the table.

"I've decided to call in some more members of the clan to aid us and," I he glared at me again, "To keep an eye on you." I grunted to show I heard not that I cared I snuck out all the time even when I had several guards watching me. It's not my fault they can't watch twenty of me. I remembered how mad Chaos had been when he found out about that little trick when I used it on him. Then I reliezed no one else was talking, then I smirked looks like they heard that now what card are you going to play Redemption? 

"What do you mean 'keep a eye on him'?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah is he like some really bad guy or something?" Leo asked.

"No its just he has a bad habit of sneaking out and trying to run away," Redemption said. Everyone then turned and looked at me. 

"Why do you run away?" Jason asked.

"Yeah isn't the clan like your family?" Piper asked.

"That is none of your bussiness," I said. Then I mentally face plamed as the campers then got a dazed look in their eyes from hearing my voice.

"Veritas! What have I told about speaking in public?" That snapped everyone out of their trances as Chaos walked in. I scoffed at him acting all high and mighty about being better than Zeus and here he is acting like he owns me. I glared at him.

"Well I'm waiting for an answer?" He asked. 

"To not to," I growled.

"Exactly, I want you to go wait in the Cabin we are going to have a chat," He said then snapped his fingures and I felt like vomiting then I reliezed I was back in the cabin. 


"Now Vagus I heard you snuck out again last night," Chaos said as he randomly apperared. He leaned in closer so we were eye to eye. 

"Now whay don't you tell me what that's all about and no lying," He said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Nah don't feel like it." Chaos hand shot out and grabbed my throat lifting me in the air.

"Are you sure?" He growled.

"Yep," I chocked out. He then threw me against the wall.

"Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you I mean you have tried to run away so many times I'm starting to think that you don't want to be here."

"What gave that away dipshit?" once again he grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall.

"You listen and you listen good boy I am the creator of the universe and you will respect me!" He yelled.

"I answer to no one." I spat.

"Well then looks like someone needs to go back too obedence training," Chaos said with a evil smirk. I felt my eyes widen as he teleported us to his private torture chamber or as I like to call it my second bedroom. The chamber was covered in my blood. Chaos then chained my wrists in rusty manacles so I was dangling from the celing. Chaos then made my shirt and pants disappear so I was only in my underwhere. He then picked up the whip and walked behind me.

"Now lets see what tune you'll be singing after you obedience training," He snickered.

A/N: Hey guys if you saw the bottom of the last chapter then you know my grandma recently passed away. As strange as it is writing is actualy helping me right now so I may be posting more then usual.

Until Next Time My Little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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