Chap 6

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A/N: Sneaks into room. Sees crowd of angry viewers. bows; "PLEASE FORGIVE ME MY ALL POWERFUL AND GLORIOUS MASTERS!!!" Yeah so I don't know if I told you guys before but I update pretty randomly so I won't update often but I will finish this story. Now on to the story!

Percy POV:

Our second year at Hogwarts is coming up but Uncle Vermon has been very irritable lately. And we haven't even done anything. Well I did flip off Dudley buts it not like that he didn't deserve it! Anyway  I'm off topic. Me and Harry are locked in our room for the evening. Treasure and Hedwig were both sick of being coped up. Not to mention we had to somehow keep them quite.

"So Percy do you thing the deal will go through?" Harry asked abruptly. I gave him a look and signed 'do you really care?' He shrugged.

"No but you had a look on your face," He said. 'How about we talk about what's really on your mind,' I signed to him. He grinned sadly.

"Yeah you can totally see right through me huh," He shook his head, "I want to know why no one has sent either of us any letters." 'I don't know brother maybe their busy?' I signed. He sighed.

"Yeah but you'd think that they'd-" "CRASH!!!!" "- What the FUCK!" Harry said loudly when a small grayish head poked up from it's hiding place behind the desk. When the figure stepped out I could see him clearly. He had grayish skin with long pointed ears with a pointed nose. He had big brown caring eyes.

Line Break. (Dobby gets them locked in their room)  

"I CAN'T BELIEVE DOBBY GOT US LOCKED IN HERE FOREVER!" Harry yelled. I rolled my eyes he had been doing this since we were locked up. 'Well yelling won't do you any good would it now?' I signed to him. He glared at me I glared back. Then I did what any rational person would do in this situation. I flipped him off.... At this Harry burst out die hard laughing.

"You know one way or another you always get your point across," He said chuckling. I grinned. This is one of the reasons I enjoy being mute. I can flip off anyone anywhere at any time. He rolled his eyes.

"You know- HONK!!!!" Harry started. Then at the sound of the honk we both jumped to the window. There coming at us from outside was a flying giant evil BUNNY!!! Ha ha no. It was a blue car. But bunnies are evil though. Anyway. Behind the wheel of the car was Fred, George, and Ron Weasly. 

"Harry and Percy!" Ron yelled.

"YOUR ALIVE!!" Fred shouted. I rolled my eyes while Harry just stood there smiling like the idiot he is. I punched him in the shoulder.... hard.

"OWW!" He rubbed his shoulder, "You punch hard Perce." 'No duh.' I signed to him. (In the meantime the Weasly brothers got all their stuff into the car including Hedwig and Treasure)

"What he say?" George asked.

"Never mind that come on get in the car," Fred replied grabbing my arm and pulling me into the car. That's when Uncle Fu- I mean Vermon came in. He started yelling at me and Harry to get back here and all that crap. That's when Harry jumped into the car and we drove/flew off into the night.

LINE BREAK (They fly to the Weasly's House or the Burrow)

We landed then started driving towards the Weasly's home the recently named Burrow. 'Your home is beautiful,' I signed. Harry nodded in agreement.

"What he say?" Ron asked.

"He said that your home is beautiful," Harry translated. The brothers looked away sheepishly.

"Thanks Perce," Ron said. I blushed. After that we climbed out of the car and went into the Burrow.

Line Break (They go to Diagon Alley then go to Hogwarts they are on the train)

"You know," Harry said, "They say Bunnies are cute and fluffy but in realty they are vicious monsters that would kill you and everyone you love just to get ahead,"

"Are those your words or Percy's?" Hermione asked.

"Percy's," Harry said. 'Hey bunnies are terrifying creatures that stare into your soul so that way they can steal it!' I protested.

"What is it with the author and bunnies?" Ron asked.

"You think I know?" Harry asked.

"Well you are the main characters Harry," Hermione said.

"Really?!" Harry exclaimed. 'You are a blubbering idiot Harry if you can't see that.' I signed my face and inner thoughts emotionless.

"Percy that isn't very nice!" Hermione yelled. 'You can understanding me!?!?' I signed while looking shocked.

"Yes I learned over the summer and you have quite the potty mouth Percy Potter!" She said. I was flabbergasted.

"Don't look so surprised Perce you do flip off anyone who gets on your nerves," Harry said with that idiot's smile.

A/N: THEY BROKE THE WALL THEY BROKE THE WALL!!! The fourth wall has been broken and it will be again! Cause I'm evil. But not as evil as :Shudders: bunnies. Me and bunnies well lets just say that we don't get along. BECAUSE THEY ARE FREAKING EVIL!!

Well until next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay


Silence is Golden (Percy Jackson x Harry Potter Crossover)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα