Q & A + Extra!

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Baconpancakeseggs asks:

What does Dionysus call him?

Well Peter is called Parker Jimms and Harry and Percy are called Terry and Perry Puter.

Benelamay asks:

What the Hell happened in Tartarus?

Well this is an interesting subject. You see Percy fell into Tartarus alone and Annabeth and Harry got him out. Without getting too into details though lets just say they were whips, knives, swords, hammers, guns, a bazooka, a canon, and a couple other weapons. But lets just say that Tartarus isn't the worst pain or trouble that Percy will go through reference chapter 8 paragraph 1 *Wink wink*.

Sisteremily asks:

How did they find out how Peter could have kids? (Not word for word but it is clearer)

That is a funny story actually. This is actually a rather new development for Peter and he is still trying to adjust. You see all his life and throughout his quests Aphrodite always said you'll have one of your own one day and his dad told him that the sea creates life. During the fight against Gaea he was injured in the battle. When Apollo did a scan of his body he came across this irregularity and spoke to Poseidon about it. That's when they confronted Peter about and did another scan they found out that he has the capability of getting pregnant. It was very funny when Will found out. He fainted. Then when he woke up and saw Peter and he explained it to him Will fainted again.

Percy POV:

We were sitting in the common room with the others.

"So Piper do you like romance novels?" Hermione asked.

"Just cause I'm a daughter of Aphrodite doesn't mean I read romance novels," Piper replied.

"But Piper you do read romance novels," Jason said.

"Well maybe if there was more romance in our relationship than I wouldn't read romance novels!" Piper snapped.

"Woah," Ron said.

"Woah," Leo said,

"Woah," Harry said,

"Woah," Perry said,

"Woah," Zeus said,

"Woah, Kronos said,

"Woah," Chaos said.

"Wait what's Chose doing here?!" Percy asked.

"Oh yeah I come later in the story okay then buy!"

"What just happened?" Harry asked.

"Shit," Jason said, "Shit happened."

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