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Percy POV: One Last Time

I took a shuddering breath. My fallen brothers and sisters surrounded me. Most were smiling, they were happy for me, since Lady Chaos was allowing me to do this. 

"Are you ready Vagus?" A female Damned asked me. She had bright red hair and crystal blue eyes. She unlike most damned she looked mostly human, the only thing that set her apart was her cat like eyes. Her name is Beginning. Beginning is actually the first Damned. I gave a small bow.

"Yes my Lady," I smirked at her as she rolled her eyes. She and the others raised they're arms and began to chant, slowly I felt my powers returning to me. When they finally stopped I had access to all me powers.

"Now remember Vagus you only have until dawn to do what you need to do," Beginning told me.

"Yeah, yeah I know Beginning, you've told me that a hundred times," I smirked at her, "Don't worry I will hurry." After she gave me one last smile I opened a portal. Of course I couldn't actually leave Heaven, but I have always had more power to communicate with people in their dreams. First stop Peter, I thought as I stepped through the portal.

Peter's dream was actually very serene. Although it may have something to do with my presence. Peter was sitting on the beach with Will. I smiled at the adorable scene as they cuddled together. Alas as cute as this is I don't have all day, so I'm afraid that this has to end. With a wave of my hand Will disappeared. Peter shot up, and began looking around frantically for Will.

"WILL! WILL! WHERE ARE YOU!"  Peter cried. 

"I'm afraid you won't find him here," I said, Peter whirled around and came face to face with me. 

"P-Percy," He stuttered.

"Yeah it's me Peter." With a cried he flung himself into my arms. He started to sob into my shoulder. I grabbed his shoulders after a couple seconds and forced Peter to look at me.

"Peter listen I don't have much time, I just wanted to tell you that I love you cousin, and I'm proud of you," He looked at me in shook, I slowly let go of his shoulders and gave him a sad smile.

"Goodbye Peter," I told him as I faded away. Next stop was Annabeth. I found her fighting some monsters, including the Minotaur. With a sigh I made them disappear. When Annabeth saw me she had the same reaction as Will, we shared some heartfelt words, but I had to leave not long after.

Time Skip.

After Annabeth I visited Frank, after Leo I went to see Jason and Piper, I created a shared dream between them after talking to them I went to Hazel, who I still considered my younger sister.  I probably spent a little too much time with her but after I went to see Harry. When I entered his dream, I saw a nightmare. He was kneeling in a pool of blood as he went over to children who looked like him. My expression softened as I walked over and place my hand on Harry shoulder. He looked up startled. When he saw me fresh tears  formed in his eyes. 

"PERCY!" He cried and through himself into my arms. I let him cry for a bit before I took his face in my hands.

"PERCY! I-I've m-missed y-you s-so m-much!" He sobbed. I Smiled sadly at him.

"I know Harry, but you need to let me go," I told him gently. 

"But I'm still need you!" He cried.

"No you don't, You have Ginny and Thomas, Annabeth, and the seven. You don't need me. Not anymore," I felt a few tears threatening to fall as I told my little brother this. He hiccupped as tears continued to fall down his face.

"But I'm your twin, are you really just going to leave me behind like that," He asked softly.

"Harry I will always love you, but you are letting my death hold you back, besides you have to remember You have everyone here for you." I stood up and gave Harry one last smile, "Goodbye Harry I love you." I felt my body disappear as Harry started calling for me to come back, to stay here with him. As his cries became softer and softer I could help but wish that things had been different.


Where are they now?

Harry: Still lives with Ginny but keeps Percy's memory alive by running an intense training course for demi-gods. 

Ginny: Is still very sad about Vagus and Violet, but after a few years she and Harry had a set of twins. They named them Lux (Light) and Sombra (Shadow). 

Thomas: Thomas became a very famous Healer in the Wizarding World and has to Kids of his own.

Jason & Piper: They lived on together for eternity and always had room in their hearts for more children (Thank the gods).

Peter & Will: Peter became a marine biologist while Will become a doctor.

Frank: Remained Predator for a few more years and then retired to have a family with Hazel.

Hazel: Became a gifted witch in the Wizarding World and had her first child with Frank three years after Percy's visit.

Leo: Started a repaired shop for all magical begins with Calypso.

Ron & Hermione: Lived Happily Ever After like in the canon.

Order: Is imprisoned by Chaos never to be released.

Balance: Same as Order.

The Gods: Live on for eternity being assholes to mortals.

Redemption: Finally revealed himself to his father.

The Clan of the Forgotten: Served Chaos and the Fates faithfully and loyally.

Chaos: Finally met a special someone. ;P.

Percy: Remained in Heaven waiting for his next call to action....................

Special Thanks To..........

My Dad and Step-Mom for supporting me through all for this

My younger siblings for always driving my to the computer

Samantha for helping re-discover my creativity and for helping me find the Lost Cayon

To Robin my best friend through thick and thin (Even if I don't deserve it)

@Alex-Fierro17 for the cover and being a great reader.

@MintBushCat for being one of my first follows

Mrs. Kelly for teaching me to write properly

Mr. Hire my favorite teacher of all time, and helped me find myself.

Rick Riordan for writing Percy Jackson

J. K. Rowling for creating the Magical World of Harry Potter

And of course those of you who've stuck through with this book till the very end, You guys are the ones that made this happen

This Story is Dedicated to........

My very special Grandma Joan for teaching me to tie my shoes, and forcing my to read my books.


Silence is Golden (Percy Jackson x Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now