Chap. 12

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Percy POV.

I followed Harry through Diagon Alley (spelling?!?!) since we already had wands and most of the books we would need (Mad Eye kept them) so we just got new robes a couple new books and ice cream because come on its ice cream! Everyone kept looking around in wonder while Hermione kept smacking us on the heads for being so stupid and Mad Eye was also around constantly to make sure we didn't "run off".

"HOLY HADES UNDERPANTS LOOK AT THE CANDY STORE!" Leo yelled. Both me and Harry winced while Hermione looked confused.

"Leo how many times do we have to tell you not to use Hades name as a curse," I scolded him.

"Yeah it gives him a head ache," Harry added while scowling at the Latino boy. Leo shrunk down with his face being a bright read color. Jason started laughing out loud with Frank, Hazel, and Piper. The others just settled for chuckling quietly.

"I don't get it why do people curse by Hades name? And why is it bad?" Hermione asked. I rolled my eyes.

"It's because the Underworld is also called the Realm of Hades of Hades for short so it's like saying hell or Christ," I explained to her. Harry nodded in agreement.

"And whenever someone does use his name as a curse he gets a head ache," Harry told her. She nodded in understanding.

"Ah I get it so instead of saying Bloody Hell I should say Bloody Hades," Ron said. I smacked him on the head. "Ow Percy!"

"You asked for it," I said simply. Then I walked away. "Shouldn't we get on the train soon anyway?"

"Aww Percy is right we're going to be late!" Annabeth yelled as she started running toward the entrance.

LINE SKIP (They get on the Train)

"Here we can ride in here," Ron said opening a door to empty compartment.

"Works for me," Harry said.

"It sucks that Frank, Hazel, and Thalia had to go back to America," Annabeth said walking into the compartment.

"Why did they have to go back anyway?" Hermione asked.

"Thalia is the Lieutenant of Artemis's Hunt and Frank is the Praetor of New Rome so their busy a lot though Hazel just went because she hates being away from Frank,"  Jason explained.

"What's The Hunt of Artemis?" Hermione asked.

"The Hunt is a bunch of young girls how choose to forever remain maidens and serve Lady Artemis in exchange they receive partial immortality which means that they can still die from sickness or in battle," Peter told her.

"Maidens?" Ron asked. 

"It means that they will never have the birds and the bees," Harry said.

"Oi so that means I have no chance with Thalia?" Ron asked.

"Dude that's my sister!" Jason yelled.

"Oi um sorry?" Ron said sheepishly. Jason folded his arms and grunted while leaning back in his seat. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop acting like a child Jason," I told him. He groaned.

"WHY?!?!" He whinned.

"Because when Percy tells you to do something it means that you do it," Leo said while eating a chocolate frog. Then the compartment door opened.

"Well, well, well look at what we have here boys looks like Granger and Weasly finally found some new friends," Malfoy said. I glared at him.

"Why don't you come join us before you end up like the Potters," Malfoy said while extending his hand toward us. I raised an eyebrow.

"And what exactly happened to the Potters?" Harry asked innocently.

"They were killed," Malfoy said confidently.

"Do you want to do it or should I?" I asked Harry only in his mind. He gave me his look. I smirked and nodded. Shit is about to hit the fan.

"Well what proof do you have?" Harry asked.

"Well um they went missing about five years ago and..." He trailed off as me and Harry stood up at the same time we had both grown quite a bit since we left Hogwarts I was a inch or too taller than Harry but we were both over six foot and with my scar I looked pretty intimidating as we towarded over the boys. I could swear I think Malfoy pissed himself a little. I grinned evilly.

"Well it's a good thing we're not dead then isn't it?" Harry growled. That's it Malfoy has definitely added a brand new brown and yellow design to his underwear.

"Meek," Was the only sound that could come out of his mouth.

"Scram Malfoy," Harry said. After the words left his mouth Malfoy and his goons took off down the car to get as far away from us as possible. I smirked.

"That was amazing!" Ron yelled while hugging Harry and trying to hug me, key word trying.

"Yeah when they pull a scary Harry and Percy you can bet that your underwear is gonna need a changing," Jason said.

"Hey guys remember that time when Percy made Gaea and Zeus crap themselves?" Leo asked.

"Wait Zeus as in the king of the gods Zeus?" How did you manage that?" Hermione asked.

"Well right before I killed Gaea I scared the crap out of her and as for Zeus I found out he still hadn't fulfilled my second wish to free all the peaceful Titans,"  I explained.

"Not even I know how you managed to scare Nyx, Tartarus, and Gaea so bad that they pulled a number two," Harry said, "I mean I have asked but he won't tell me."

"I think we all know why too," Annabeth said. I grinned evilly and gave my number three evilest/insane/demon/bringer of death face I had. My number one most evil I had only shown to Zeus and Gaea and well.... Somethings are better left unsaid. At the sight of the look on my face every scooted/leaned away from me.

"Well I think we should get change now," Hermione said while looking ready to piss herself.

A/N: Finally! Okay so I am not going to be updating this story as often as usual and that is because... I have started a new story! It is called Siren's Call and I really hope that you check it out. Also I am going to start a new Percy Jackson fanfic. To Tartarus and Back. I will let you read the descriptions if you want. 

Until next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay   

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