Chap. 8

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Percy POV:

When I woke up there was a sharp pain in my stomach. Looking down I took a sharp intake of breath. In my abdomen was a black spot that was turning my veins around it black. Before I could ponder the spot anymore I was tackled by my dimwitted brother. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Percy are you ok?! Where are we?! What happened?!" He asked/screamed. 'You really think that I know,' I signed.

"What did he say?" asked Grover. I jumped I forgot that he was even here. 

"Squawk!" Treasure screeched. I visibly relaxed as I pulled Treasure out of her cage so she could sit on my shoulders.

"Whoa dude I don't know if you know this but that's a griffin," Grover said. I shrugged. Harry grabbed Hedwig and placed her on his shoulder like I did with Treasure.

"Wizards have strange pets," He said simply. Grover looked flabbergasted. 

"Well whatever that was we have to get you two to camp before- ROAR!" He jumped. Running at us from the woods was a giant bull man thing wearing thighty whities. Grover grabbed each Harry and started to scream. Meanwhile Harry was looking for his wand. That's when I realized that with the exception of Hedwig and Treasure (and our clothes) nothing had traveled with us. I stared down the beast and following some instinct I didn't even know that I had. I jumped at him before he could hurt my brother or Grover. Treasure lashed out at him with her claws blinding him. That's when I grabbed his horn and pulled with all my might.

"Snap!" It came off! I flipped the horn over and thrust it in to Mr. Ugly's head. After that instead of being covered in blood I was covered in gold dust. With out the beast underneath me I did one of those things in cartoons were they hang in the air look down then fall. Let me tell you doing that hurts.

"Percy are you ok?!" Harry asked frantically grabbing my shoulders and shaking me violently, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" 'I'm fine and I wasn't thinking,' I signed.

"Whoa dude you just slew the Minotaur!" Grover exclaimed fanboying hard he shook his head, "Well that settle's it I'm taking you two to camp." He grabbed our shoulders (the ones without Treasure and Hedwig on it) and started dragging us in a seemingly random direction.

"Don't worry I know these woods like the back of my hand!" He said confidently. I shared a we're doomed look with Harry.


After what felt like forever we finally got to this camp that Grover was talking about. As we climbed over the hill what I saw made both mine and Harry's jaws drop.  There were several Greek styled buildings, a lava spewing rock wall, and a huge lake. Then a centaur came galloping up to meet us.

"Hello young ones my name is Chiron and do you know about the Greek Gods?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"I'm Harry and the idiot is my twin brother Percy," Harry said introducing us. I glared at him. 'Look here you little piece of British shit I am five minutes older than you so you better show me the respect that I deserve,' I signed. Chiron started chuckling. I looked at him in surprise while Harry was still trying to comprehend what I just "said".  Chiron held up a hand.

"Yes I speak sign language now come on I have something to show you," He said becoming us to follow him.

Line Break (They get introduced to the gods and it's time to play capture the flag.)

The daughter of Athena placed me and Harry next to the river. We are apparently "guards" or bait as I like to say. That's when Clarisse appeared with some goons. 

Line Break (I'm lazy and skipping the fight scene just instead of water Percy used shadows and Harry summoned a small skeleton also they healed themselves with shadows.)

The whole camp gasped both me and Harry looked up above our heads were two little mini versions of Cerberus. And so our adventure began.

A/N:  Yay! I updated! So THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT!!!!!!! After this the go on there first quests and then they complete both wars. There is no Perebeth sorry for all the percbeth fans but I actually hate that ship. Anyway in the next chapter Sirus Black comes with Mad Eye Moody to get help. So keep reading and thank you all so much for your love and support!

Until next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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