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"hey jimin, faster or you'll miss it" jungkook shouts as soon as he hears the door shuts. when he gets no reply, he furrows and puts down his controller before turning his body. instead of seeing jimin, he sees yoongi.

"oh hey jungkook" yoongi greets while keeping the beverages inside the fridge and takes one of it to satisfy his thirsty throat.

"yoongi hyung" he stands up and walks to kitchen, where yoongi is "did jimin called you?". yoongi shakes his head after gulping down the drink, he looks at the younger with a confuses face, "why?"

"he went out to buy us some snacks but he didn't come back yet and it's almost an hour already" jungkook explains to him words by words as his worries slowly building up.

"did you ask eunseo about him?"


"call her and ask"

with that, jungkook fishes out his phone from his pocket and dials eunseo's contact number.


"eunseo's speaking" she stops her painting.

"is jimin with you?"

"no he's not. I thought he's with you, he supposed to be with you isn't he?" eunseo puts down her brush in a jar "where is he?"

"I don't know"

eunseo walks towards her closet and takes out her grey hoodie before wearing it, "what do you mean by don't know? he told me he's going to be with you. come on jeon, stop playing games with me"

"I'm not playing eunseo. I'm being serious right now. like, you're sure you didn't missed any call from him?"

"no. even his texts. where did he went to?"

"he said he wanted to buy us some snacks an–"

"do you have any idea where he could have been to buy those stuffs?"

"probably the convenient store down the street from our place. eunseo don't tell m–"

"I'm going" the girl left all her stuffs behind and unlock the door "I'm going to find him jungkook" she slips into her slippers and closes the door behind her.

"eunseo it's dangerous out there"

"and you didn't even do anything yet?"

canvas • p. jiminWhere stories live. Discover now