1. Welcome to Konaha

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(A/n: Your character can wear one of the two outfits above if you want, your arms are covered in bandages though, you will find out why soon. This story is set in Naruto so the kids should be 13 years old. )

You toward the tall gates of Konaha and notice two men who seem to be flirting with each other.

"Izumo can I tell you something?" one with spiky black hair and a bandage across his nose asks.

"Of course, what is it?" the one wearing a hat covering his brown hair replies.

"I think I-"

"Excuse me?" I interrupt. The two men turn their attention to me. Their eyes widen as they rush over.

"How can we help you miss?" the one named Izumo asks.

"I need to see the Hokage."

"Why is that?" the other asks.

"I'm requesting to live here." They both smile at me.

"Of course! We can take you! We're Izumo and Kotetsu!" they said in unison. I giggle and smile back at them.

"Well, I'm (Y/n)."

"Are you a ninja?", Kotetsu asks. I nod.

"Yes, I am from the village hidden in the frost."

"Why is it that you want to move here?" Izumo asks, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"My family has died, I wanted to get away and start a new life," I lie. The two idiots take the bait and walk me to the Hokage's mansion without a problem.

We walk up several flights of stairs and approach a large wooden door. Izumo knocks and waits.

"Come in," calls a voice from the other side. Izumo pushes the door open and we all walk in.

"How may I help you two... and this young woman?" the old man asks, eyeing you. Kotetsu nudges me and gives a small smile. I step forward and meet his gaze.

"I am requesting to live in this village as a ninja," I say. The man looks me up and down, making his judgement.

"Where have you come from?" he asked, his voice demanding yet soft.

"My home land is the village hidden in the frost, I understand that these nations are not allied but I no longer associate with my home land." He hums and taps his chin.

"And your name?"

"Oh, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)".

The Hokage sat behind his desk taping his chin with his pen.

"What type of work did you do as a ninja in your old village?" he asks.

"I used to go on normal missions like the others but now I teach at the academy," I answer, hoping that he'd believe my words even though these ones were true.

"And your reason for leaving your homeland?"

"My parents were killed and I want to start a new life," I repeat, hating that I had to lie about my reason for coming here.

"I see nothing wrong with you living here and I trust that all you wish for is to start a new life, I am willing to help. There is an open position in our academy for a teacher. You can start there as a substitute and eventually you will have your own class." I bow to him, grateful for his trust and kindness towards me.

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