49. Return

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The morning went by quickly, Kuro left for the academy and I spent my morning walking around the village. I didn't need to be at the academy for a while so I decided to kill time by exploring some more. My smile hadn't left my face since last night, I don't think I've felt this happy in a long time. You let out a long sigh as you walk, your legs taking you nowhere in particular. You had no destination but you found yourself at the village's main gate. Izumo and Kotetsu were on duty there and smiled, waving you over. You walked over and sent them a bright smile. "You look happy today, (Y/n)", Izumo says. You nod and look around, your attention directed outside the gate. You remembered how you had walked down that path on your way here, arriving at the village and being greeted by the two ninja. "How has your morning been?", Kotetsu asks. "It's been alright, I'm just wondering when Kakashi's team will be returning". They both nod. "They should be back within a few days, it's been over a week since they left and the mission doesn't seem too difficult, it's only a C rank". You smiled and waved as you began to walk away.

You arrive at the academy and see Konohamaru talking to some other boys in your class. Even though you knew Konohmaru was a strong and determined boy you notice this conversation wasn't friendly. "You're never gonna become Hokage, just because your the Hokage's grandson doesn't mean it will be you", one boy says, his arms folded as his face lips help a smug smirk. His pack of friends laugh at the brown-haired boy as he grits his teeth, adjusting his goggles. I walk over and catch the bully by the back of the shirt. "If you think you can bully others in my class then you are wrong, I only teach strong shinobi, there is no place for bullies in my class". The boy swallows hard and gives a quick nod before running off with his friends. I let out a sigh and turn my head toward Konohamaru. "You didn't have to do that, I can take care of myself", he huffs. You roll your eyes and place a hand on his head, "If you wanna become Hokage you're gonna have to learn to admit when you need help, if you're too cocky you'll end up dead". He nods and follows me into the classroom, meeting up with his friends at his desk. 

"Ok class today I'm going to be talking to you about rogue ninja, do you know what a rogue ninja is?". Some nod and others don't. "Well then, rogue ninja are ninja who have abandoned their villages and now don't belong to a village". The class nods, some looking down at their books as they take notes. "An easy way to identify a rogue ninja is by looking at their headbands, if there is a scratch running along the middle of it then they are a rogue ninja". A student puts their hand up. "Yes". "Um, do you know any rogue ninja?". Your smile lessens slightly. "Um yeah, well I'm not in contact with them anymore, but I know people who turned into rogue ninja". "Who were they sensei!?", Konohamaru calls out. You let out a small chuckle and shake your head. "It doesn't really matter anymore, anyway let's get on with the lesson".


The lessons went on and so did the questions. You avoided a lot of them and managed to get through the day without having to talk about him. You were now on your way home, sure you could teleport but you wanted to walk through the village. And it was a good thing too.

You turned the corner, arriving on the street you lived on and saw two boys standing in front of the door. Your face lit up and you began to run towards them. "Naruto! Sasuke!". They turn around and are brought into your tight embraced. You pull away and look at them but they refuse to meet your gaze. "Hey um, what's up?", you ask, concerned. The two boys look at each other and nod. "It's better if we go inside first". You nod and follow the two boys into your house.

Naruto sat you down on the couch and stood before you with Sasuke standing me. "What's up with you two today? Aren't you happy you're back? Y'know I really missed you guys". Your smile was so bright that they found it difficult to say it. You rambled on about how you missed them and such, Sasuke was getting quite irritated. "Just shut up!". Your eyes widen at his tone and the annoyed expression on his face. You turn to Naruto and notice the sad look in his bright blue eyes. "Shut up, you're already making this harder than it has to be". You kept quiet, unsure what they were talking about. "So w-what is it then?". Naruto runs forward and hugs you tightly. "I'm so sorry", he whispers into your shoulder. "What is it? Tell me, please". "Zabuza is dead".

And here we are, an unavoidable place. I really wanted to make you go on the mission but I think it would mess up the story a bit. Sorry.

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The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя