89. Love and happiness (Final chapter)

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Night fell, the sun disappearing and being replaced by the glow of the moon. It was cold that night, the heat radiating off the fire making it a lot more bearable. Tilting your head upward, you stared at the sky, eyes scanning the scattered stars. As a kid you had loved looking up into the sky, it relaxed you.

Heaving a quiet sigh, your moved your gaze to Kaito. He stared into the fire with a small smile on his face, one of relief rather than happiness. Today had been a close call and that worried him, someone almost took you away. He gritted his teeth and turned to his bag, beginning to pull out food to make something for the two of you to eat.

You weren't that hungry but you'd accept whatever you were offered. It wasn't that you had given up, you had hope that someone would come for you. At this point, you knew that you couldn't rely on your own abilities. Kaito could contain you, nothing you could do would be able to stop him.

The male sitting by the fire finished cooking and approached you with a bowl, taking a seat in front of you. Not wanting to be in his presence, you turned your face away from him. He stared at you with a sigh, putting the bowl aside, his hand moving to cup your cheek.

"Are you mad about today?" he asked softly. You glanced at him in the corner of your eye, noticing how the way you were acting made him sad. It was as if the way you acted dictated how he felt. But even if you begged him to release you, his strong feelings for you kept you within his clutches.

"No, being upset about something like that would be hypocritical of me as a ninja." His eyes remained on you, thumb caressing your cheek. You shivered in discomfort, hating how he was touching you. He noticed this and instead of being understanding and calm like he usually had been, he punched the tree you were lent up against, his fist striking the area next to your head. Pieces of bark loosened from the cracked tree, falling off and onto your shoulder. Looking up into Kaito's eyes, you were met with an expression of mixed anger and insanity.

"Why do you continue to refuse me?" he growls lowly. You swallow hard, mouth suddenly feeling dry. It was rare for you to feel fear, normally you'd be able to rely on your abilities but you couldn't do that now. Your body was restrained and useless, over these days of travel you hadn't been able to feel your legs at all. You worried that the feeling within them would never come back, restricting you for the rest of your life. You didn't doubt it, to stop you from getting away Kaito would do it permanently. He'd do anything to keep you with him.

After not receiving an answer, he huffed, his other hand raising and cupping your other cheek. He forced your head forward to face him, now he had given up on being gentle. His touches were rough and forceful, making you feel sick to your stomach.

"We're gonna reach the border tomorrow, (Y/n). Then we can go home and no one can come after you, no one can take you away from me again," he whispered, moving closer. His face drew nearer, his hold on your face stopping you from moving your head away.

"Get away from me!" you yelled, trying to move. He didn't allow it, slamming his lips against your own. His tongue tried to enter but you refused to open up for him. This made him even angrier. Forcing your mouth open, he pushed his tongue into your mouth. The feeling was disgusting, making you feel like gagging as his forced himself on you. Having no other way to fight back, you harshly bit down on his tongue. The metallic taste of his blood mixed with your own as you were struck in the face, Kaito getting up and standing before you.

"Why won't you give up?! You have nothing except me!" You glared right back of him, getting over the shock of being punched in the face.

"I have people I love and care about, I won't ever give up." He gritted his teeth and hit you again, blood beginning to leak from the corner of your mouth.

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