43. Sparring

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I look up at Tenten and send her a smile. "Of course", you say, standing up. "Are you sure this is a good idea Tenten?", Neji asks. "She is a skilled Jonin, its a guaranteed loss". Tenten shrugs her shoulders. "I always looked up to (Y/n)-sensei even before she was a member of the village and I want to test my skills as well as seeing hers". You look over at Tenten and notice the way her eyes sparkle as she spoke about you. "How did you hear about me?", you question. "I heard a story about a kunoichi that moved to the hidden mist village from the hidden frost when they were young. They said that she was strong and beautiful yet people hated her. She stood above everyone else and never gave up, fighting till the very end no matter how much she had lost". I smile lightly and let out a quiet sigh. "What a load of BS", you mutter quietly. Tenten raises an eyebrow at you. "What is it sensei?". You meet her gave and send her a sad smile. "Some people may see me in that way but it's not true, I may have been through a lot while growing up but I'm no hero". Tenten shakes her head and sends me a wide smile. "But I want to, you're here now and you've proven that you care about everyone even though not originally from this village". Heat rose to your cheeks as you nervously rubbed the back of your neck. "I don-". You are suddenly cut off by the teenage brunette hugging you. "You're too humble for your own good", she laughs. You clear your throat and straighten up. "Before we went off topic you said you would like to spar with me, are you still keen?", you ask. She enthusiastically nods. "But uh please do go easy on me and tell me what I need to improve". I nod and the two of us make our way onto the training field.

"Three two one go!", Neji yells. You watch as Tenten charges at you, pulling out a scroll. She opens it and a large iron sword appears. She attempts to swing it at me but I easily dodge. She was fast but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I formed an ice kunai in my right hand and knocked her sword out of her hand, sending it sliding across the ground towards Neji. Tenten sweatdrops and grabs another scroll. She opens it, sending hundreds of weapons flying in my direction. I dodge a few and catch some as well. Once the dust had cleared her mouth dropped open at the sight. I dropped the heap of weapons on the ground with a loud clang. "H-how did you do that?", she asks. You look down at the weapons and sweatdrop. "Oh, that was just my reflexes". "Your reflexes, are you kidding? You stopped my entire attack!", he exclaims, still dumbfounded. Suddenly we see someone appear from in the forest. "We're finally back, we left (Y/n) in our dust!", Gai announces. "Yay Gai-sensei!", Lee cheers. "Actually you came last, (Y/n)-sensei arrived here about ten minutes ago", Neji states. Gai and Lee sweatdrop and look over at you and Tenten.

"Now this time I want you to try again, use your strongest attack if you have to". Tenten nods and charges at you, scroll in hand. At first, you thought it would be the same as the last attack it wasn't. It was the same type of attack except this one was a lot bigger and stronger. A large smile spread across your face as you formed your ice version of the executioner's blade. You held it up and blocked every single blade, they rebounded off the ice blade with loud clangs. Tenten's face lights up at sight of the glimmering ice blade, running over to get a closer look. "That's amazing!", she cheers. "Can I please have a go with it?". You nod and let her take it. The sudden weight knocks her off balance and she falls back, landing on her butt. "How do you fight with this? Its so heavy", she says, attempting to lift it. You giggle and run your hand along the top of the blade, making it suddenly lighter. "Its only heavy to others but in my hands its as light as a feather, this is how much it actually weighs to me". She lifts the blade in the air with one hand, pointing it towards the sun. A cold stream of water runs down the sword and onto Tenten's arm, causing her to drop it. "Why is it so cold?!", she exclaims, rubbing her freezing arms. "The sword is made of ice, remember?", you chuckle. She realises and rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. Tenten suddenly bows ans sends you a wide smile. "Thank you for sparring with me, Sensei". I smile down at her and send a smile back. "I know that Gai-sensei specialises in Taijutsu so if you need any help with your kenjutsu (Basically means fighting with a sword) just ask". She nods and looks over at Lee and Gai who had just finished their run. 

"I can't believe you've beaten me!", Gai cries, waterfalls of tears streaming down his cheeks. "You're very youthful, (Y/n)-sensei. Please train with us again!". You smile and nod. "Of course". "And the day has only begun, we will continue to train!", Gai announces. I nod in agreement. The rest of the day is going to be hard work.


The day ended fairly quickly. Training with Gai's team was so much fun, I wish I could do it everyday. I walk down the familiar streets of Konaha, on my way home. I walk into the house and notice Kuro is already there waiting for me. "Where were you today?", he questions. He suddenly notices the state I'm in. I'm covered in dirt and sweat from such vigorous training. "Oh I was training with Gai and his team". Kuro smiles widely and grabs my hand, pushing me into the bathroom. "Go get cleaned up, I'll make dinner", he reassures. He slams the bathroom door on me and sprints into the kitchen. I can't help but chuckle, even though I'm the one who's supposed to be looking after him he always seems to be the one caring for me.

I've been putting this one off for a while... sorry. I had written half of it a couple of days ago and didn't feel like writing in the last couple of days. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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