82. Hopeful

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"(Y/n), please wake up." Someone held your hand, caressing the back of it gently.

"Everyone is so worried about you, especially me. Please wake up." You groaned and rolled over, opening your eyes to face the brunette who lay beside you. When he saw you awake, he pulled you close and hid his face in your shoulder.

"Thank god," he sighs out in relief. You stare down at him, not knowing what to say. Instead, you held him tightly, comfortingly running your fingers through his hair.

"What happened?" you ask, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"You don't remember?" he asks, sitting up. Shaking your head, he notices the confused expression on your face. You were thinking hard, trying to remember but nothing came to mind.

"You fought Orochimaru. Then an anbu carried you home and put you to bed, you've been asleep for four days."

"Who knocked me out?"

"No one did, you fainted. We had a medical ninja come over to check up on you and they said that you were mentally fatigued. She suggested that you see a therapist." You glared at you at your lap, hating the sound of more help.

"I don't want to see a therapist," you mumbled. He sighed and pulled you into a hug.

"Well, I want you to get better so you will be going. I'll come with you if you want," he offers. You nod and lean against him, not wanting to start anything. You hated how he made it sound like you were sick.

"Where are Naruto, Sasuke and Kuro?" you ask. He bites his lip, not looking happy to talk about this.

"Naruto and Sasuke are still in the hospital and Kuro is staying with Akira and Daichi for a few days. But that's only because you were unconscious, I'll tell him to come home after the academy today. How does that sound?" Your voice remained emotionless.


"Great, now do you want me to make you something for breakfast?" Shaking your head, he noticed how you refused to look at him.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just a little tired," He chuckled and kissed your forehead, his cheeks tinting pink from the affection.

"Tired? You've been asleep for days," he laughs. You remained watching him, he seemed so lively today. But his happiness disappeared a second later, making him look quite sad.

"You aren't expected to work for a while but you aren't on house arrest either so you aren't stuck at home. Also, while you were asleep you missed Lord Thirds funeral." Your eyes widened, remembering everything that had happened before you passed out. Your face fell, a sad expression appearing.

"I killed Orochimaru," you mumbled, remembering all over again. Iruka sighed and pecked your forehead.

"You blame yourself as if killing him was a bad thing. He was a horrible man and Sasuke came forward and said he was after him. You did the right the thing, you also need to remember that you're a ninja. Your killings are justified, we signed up to be tools of those higher up." You nodded but still didn't agree. He may have had the choice to become a shinobi, but you didn't. Noticing that you didn't want to talk, he got out of bed.

"We've sorted everything out with Sunagakure so there no longer is a problem between our village and theirs. Orochimaru killed and posed as the Kazekage, creating an alliance with his village and Sunagakure. Meetings are currently being held by elders of both our villages. Also, I wanted to let you know that the red-haired boy, Gaara, he's in Konoha hospital. You're free to visit him if you want."

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now