13. In trouble

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You woke up early the next morning to a knock on the window. For some reason the academy was closed today so you didn't have work. You slip the window open and look at the familiar ninja crouching there. "Hello", you say, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. He nods and hands me a scroll. I unroll it and look at the contents. 

There has been a complaint made about you
I trust that it isn't bad
The person filing the complaint can overreact 
Please come to my office at 9am to discuss this matter
Sincerely Hiruzen Sarutobi

I sighed and looked at my alarm clock, it was 6am. I turned to the ninja and thanked him with a bow before he teleported away. I then closed the window and slip back into bed, setting my alarm for 8am.

My alarm went off and I nearly punched it through the wall. I sighed and got up, walking to my drawers to get my clothes. (The navy blue dress from before). I then tied my headband around my waist and made my way into my living room. I looked at the couch and saw that Naruto was sleeping there, a blanket draped over him. His jacket was hung up on the back of one of my dining room chairs and he was quietly snoring. I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out some eggs and then some bacon out of the fridge. I began cooking and noticed that Naruto had woken up. "Good morning", he yawned, stretching out his tired body. I smile at him. "Morning, are you hungry?". He nods and takes a seat at the table. I placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him and sat down in my own chair, beginning to at my food.

I was just finished and noticed that it was 8:55am. "Sorry Naruto but I gotta go see the Hokage". I then slide something across the table to him. He picks it up and looks at it. "What's this for?", he asks. "That's a key to my apartment, it's yours now so please don't lose it". His eyes widen and he jumps up and hugs me. "Thank you", he whispers. I giggle and ruffle his hair. "It's fine, now I gotta go see the old man". "Why?". "Well I threw a kunai at a student and someone complained". "You might get fired, let me come!". "Sorry but I gotta go". I teleport away leaving Naruto in my apartment. Teleporting back to tell him to lock up when he leaves. 

I teleport outside the Hokage's office and knock on the door. You hear a muffled 'come in' and open the door, stepping inside. I look over and see a few ninja all standing around the Hokage's desk. I recognized a few, there was Kakashi, Genma and even Konahamaru. In the corner I saw Ebisu with a smirk on his annoying face. "Do you know why you are here?', Lord third asks. I nod. "And why is that?". "I threw a kunai at a child". Ebisu jumped out of his corner and pointed an accusing finger at me. "See I told you, she is a child murderer!". I sweat dropped. "Have you ever murdered a child?", Lord third asks. "Yes". Ebisu smirked and folded his arms, giving me a smug look. "In what circumstances?". "As a child". Lord third sweat dropped and looked at Ebisu. "This is a waste of my time, Ebisu please don't file any complaints unless they are actually reasonable". "Why don't you ask the victim how they feel about it?", he said, pointing at Konahamaru. Lord third sighs and looks at his grand son. "Konahamaru is there anything you would like to add to this?". He nods and runs over to me, hugging my leg. "(Y/n)-sensei is awesome and she treats me just like all the kids. She also doesn't judge me for my dream of Hokage, she is my favorite sensei". I blush and smile down at the brown haired boy.

Suddenly the door slams open and Naruto runs in, out of breath. "Please *pant* don't kick *pant* (Y/n)-sensei out", he puffs, his hands resting on his knees. "I wasn't planning on doing that", Lord third chuckles. Naruto hugs my other leg and laughs. "Guess your stuck with me forever now". I smirk and then look up at the ninja. "Are you needing me for anything el-". I was suddenly cut off by the sound of a loud alarm. "What is that?", I ask. "That's the evacuation alarm, someone is attacking the village". I notice Naruto and Konahamaru tense. Other ninja began appearing and lord third was telling them where to go. "Where would you like me to go? I want to help". He nods. "First bring my grandson and Naruto to the shelter and then wander the streets for any enemy ninja of people who are on their way to the shelter". I nod and teleport away. Now was my chance to show Konaha that I meant it when I said I would become a member of their village.

Hope this is alright. Ebisu is just overreacting, that big ol pervert. Hope this chapter was sufficient. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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