78. Our special place

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Time passes quickly while both Naruto and Sasuke leave to train. Kuro had also gone to stay with Akira and Daichi for a few days so you had a lot of time to spend alone with Iruka. It didn't take long for you to fully regain your strength and now you were able to move around freely.

But you could tell he was somewhat enjoying it. He got to carry you around the house and if you wanted to do something you would have to ask him, in that weak state you relied on him for everything. Since you were a strong kunoichi, you didn't need protection so this was the best he could to help you. He was still really shy and blushed when you teased or got too close to him but that was just the type of guy he was, you loved him for that.

You were currently sitting in the living room with a book while Iruka was at the store, buying groceries. You told him to buy the ingredients for whatever he wanted and the two of you could cook together, you had been teaching him how to cook every night. He had told you how grateful he was for the lessons and how useless he felt before knowing how to cook. It was a serious handicap, especially if you're living alone.

He had told you that he would usually go out and buy dinner, mostly at Ichiraku's, or just buy cup ramen and instant meals. After hearing that you made sure to lecture him on the importance of healthy food and such, you couldn't help that you were a mother, this was all etched into your mind. Sure, you were never given love as a child but you were lectured a lot. Your manners, cooking and housework abilities were impeccable, that was all that you had done besides training and occasionally hanging out with Akira and Daichi while growing up.

You turn the page of your book, letting out a long sigh before placing the bookmark inside and closing it. It was seriously boring having to stay home. There was no rule saying that you couldn't go out but the Hokage had sent another message, advising against it. There was a chance that someone in the village would confront you, it was widely known that not everyone liked you. He had said that extra stress wasn't going to help the situation but you were allowed to go out as long as it wasn't somewhere with a lot of people.

Laying back against the couch, you stared up at the ceiling as you thought about yourself and Iruka. A smile spread across your face as you remembered how shy and red-faced he had been around you, not only before the two of you became an item but now as well. This was something that you really liked about him, sure Zabuza had his cute moments but Iruka was an endless supply of them.

When you heard the sound of the front door opening, you shot up from your place on the couch and hurried towards the door. Iruka entered with two large paper bags filled with groceries, both nearly being dropped onto the ground when you tackled him in a hug.

"H-hey, be careful. I'll drop everything," he panics, trying to balance both bags as well as the new weight of you hugging him with your arms tightly wrapped around his neck. You pulled away, blushing lightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just missed you." He raised an eyebrow, his face not forgetting to turn pink.

"I've only been gone for half an hour." You nod your head, taking one of the bags from his arms before taking it into the kitchen.

"I know that, it's just that everything has been so boring lately since I can't go anywhere really. You're my only form of entertainment here," you tease. An irk mark forms on his forehead, a sign of his obvious annoyance in your comment.

"Is that all I am to you? Entertainment?" You knew he was only half serious, he knew that you didn't actually feel that way. You giggled and set the bag on the counter before running back over to hug him again.

"You're here to entertain me and because I love you, okay? Don't forget that," you say with a pout, your face inches away from his. You knew that the closeness would instantly trigger his blush and it did. Finding it too cute, you pinched his cheeks stopping only to boop his nose. He cocks an eyebrow at you as you move away and begin putting the food away.

"Why do you keep doing that to my face?", he questions, still looking confused as he rubs his sore cheeks. You send him a smile over your shoulder as you reach up to put something in a cupboard above.

"Well, I do it because I think it's adorable," you explain. He sighs as he begins putting food into the fridge.

"Men don't like being called cute, y'know," he mutters quietly. You giggle at his comment.

"Aww, why is that? If you weren't this cute I don't know if I would've even considered dating you." You could feel the glare on the back of your head. You were only teasing but you weren't sure that he had caught onto that yet.

"You get so restless having to stay here all the time. You're like a puppy, would you like to go for a walk?" he asks. Your face lights up at the suggestion, wanting to leave this place badly.

One of the other rules about leaving the house was that you needed to be supervised, you didn't mind if it was Iruka but he barely went anywhere after getting home from working at the academy. The only upside was that sometimes he would come back with Konohamaru and his two friends. It was fun playing around with them but they'd all have to go home eventually and you'd be left bored again. Now that you thought about it, you were acting like a puppy. Begging for constant attention, food and spending every other second annoying those around you. Iruka had been very patient with you over the last three weeks of staying at home, you were grateful for him.

He smiled at your enthusiasm and hugged you back as you leaned into him. For the past few nights, he had suggested going out for night walks since there wouldn't be as many people around.

"When do you want to go? We still have dinner to make." You reached down and intertwined your fingers with his, looking up at him with a soft smile.

"Let's go now, I don't think I can wait any longer," you joke, leading the brunette towards the door. After locking the house, the two of you began walking around town. You were the one leading Iruka, he had no say in where you were walking to.

"Hey, where are we going?" he asks, looking around at the familiar surroundings. You smiled brightly at him as the two of you entered the park.

"We're going to your special place," you say, not being able to hide your excitement. Iruka chuckled, shaking his head as you lead him deeper into the park.

"It's not my special place," he whispers. You turn your head so you can examine the expression on his face. He was staring at the ground, his cheeks tinted red.

"This is our special place."

Wanted a little more cuteness before I continued with the main story. Damn, Iruka is adorable. I imagine him to be a blushing mess and terrible with women but somehow he managed to get (Y/n). Magic. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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