47. True heroes

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My eyes widened slightly. "(Y/n) what are you doing here?", he asks. You take a step forward and notice that his eyes are a little pink and swollen. "I apologise if I'm interrupting, Iruka", you say, bowing. He shakes his head. "N-no, it's fine. I just wanted to know how you knew about this place", he says, glancing back at the memorial stone. You come closer and begin reading the names. "I was just as the cemetery paying my respects to some people I knew and met the Hokage, I had an extra flower so he suggested I bring it here". He nods and watches as you kneel down and lay the flower down.

You then sat down before the stone and began reading the names. "There used to be a memorial stone like this in my village, it used to get covered in snow so every morning and night I would clean it off so everyone could see the names", you whisper. Iruka sits beside you, looking up at the stone. "So um, who is it that you know on there?", you ask quietly. He swallows hard before letting out a long sigh. "My parents...", he trails off. You felt your heart clench and your eyes widen. "I'm sorry for your loss". He shakes his head. "No its fine, it happened when I was young. It was when the nine-tails attacked the village, they died while trying to help fight it off". You open your hand and watch as a large ice vase appears, full of ice flowers. You place it in front of the memorial stone and smile lightly at it. "Then they're heroes". Iruka's head snaps in your direction. "W-what but they d-". You cut him off but laughing. "Iruka, they died to protect the village. Usually the only ones who get credit for victories are those at the top but its proof like this memorial stone that with out these people risking their lives nothing would've been accomplished. Your parents did what they had to do to protect the village and they deserve to be thanked, without then who knows what could've happened. The difference in a battle can be one shinobi, if they are strong enough they can take on a whole army, that small difference could save the lives of a million people. They could've run away but they fought instead, for the village and what they believed in, I believe that that is truly heroic". I look up and notice the tears streaming down Iruka's face. "Thank you", he whispers. You smile and gently wipe the tears from his cheek. "You should stop crying, tears only remind you of the pain and you can never heal if there is still a weapon in your wound, but you must also never forget and that's why it leaves a scar". "That sounds like a quote", he chuckles. You nod. "My clan filled a book with quotes and life lessons, I remember finding and reading it as a child. It always put a smile on my face to hear how optimistic it was. In the darkest cave there is always light but it will take a long time to find it and once you grab a hold of it you must never let go. That was my favourite one, I felt like it was talking about me specifically". Iruka slowly nods. "What happened to the book?". You bite your lip lightly and sigh. "I hid it a long time ago, somewhere in the land of waves. My father found it and tried to burn it but I was able to save it before it got damaged too badly". "Well one day if you find it you should show me, that is if it isn't meant to be secret". You smile at the thought. "I would love to show you, one day if I find it I promise to show you. It was created by my clan but the intention was to share it with others to create peace and happiness throughout the lands, we wished that everyone would get along and live without violence or conflict". Then he asked a question which caused your body to freeze completely. "What happened to the rest of your clan?". You sigh and let your gaze drift to the ground. "My clan was wiped out a a couple of generations ago, the people of my village believed we were dangerous and were trying to take control of the village. The truth was that they weren't, all they wanted was to create peace with other nations and to do so they needed to get into power. They managed to gain control but it came with the cost of many lives, the most of my clan were killed. And now I'm the last of my clan to have the kekkei genkai, I hope to restore my clan but I don't wish to lead it". "Why not?". You chuckle quietly. "There is so much I want to do in my life, I've travelled across the world and fought many worthy opponents but there are still things in my life I wish to do. I would like to raise Naruto, Sasuke and Kuro as fine shinobi  as well as the children in the academy". Iruka smiles lightly at you and then stands up, offering his hand to you. "Do you wanna get lunch together?", he asks with a faint blush on his cheeks. You smile and nod, taking his hand and letting him lead you away from the memorial stone and the melting vase of ice flowers.

I updated this yesterday but I felt like I wanted to update it again so here we are. Sorry for the cliffhanger on the last chapter. I didn't want to have to do it but I did. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя