5.I know that boy's pain

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It was very early in and morning and I was awakened by a knock at my bedroom window. I shuffled sleepily over to it and slid it open. The same ninja that had come two days ago was crouching in the same spot. "Iruka will be on a short mission today so you will be taking his class again". I nod and bow politely to him. "Thank you". The ninja teleports away and I collapse on my bed, I did have to work today but I didn't have to be there for hours. I close my eyes and fall back asleep. 

I woke up a few hours later and forced myself up. I made breakfast and waited a few minutes for Naruto but he hadn't showed up yet. I left my apartment and walked up to his door, gently knocking on it. I noticed that it was unlocked so I pushed the door open. "Naruto are you in here?", you call. You could hear quiet snores coming from the other side of the room. Naruto lay on his bed in a tangle of blankets. You sat down on his bed and shook his shoulder. He stirred and then his eyes fluttered open. He sat up and stretched, staring at me sleepily. "What are you doing here, (Y/n)?", he asks. "Well its a school day and you're not up yet so I came to get you, you know you shouldn't leave your apartment unlocked and I made you some breakfast so come over when you're ready". He nods and watches me as I walk out of his apartment. He couldn't help but smile, since you've been here he know what it feels like to have a mother.

A few minutes later Naruto ran into my apartment and began eating the food I made. "You're so good a cooking!", he exclaims. "Thanks", I wink, ruffling his spiky hair. We quickly ate our food and then I gave him his lunch. He looked at my clock and his eyes widened. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late!", he yells. I giggle and place my hand on his head. "Its fine, I'll teleport us there". I pulled my free hand up into a handsign and in a puff of smoke we found ourselves standing before the class. "I can't believe they're going to be late", Sakura scoffed. "And who might that be?", I ask. Sakura nearly jumps out of her seat. "N-no one (Y/n)-sensei". I smile down at her. "That's what I thought, now everyone please sit down, your sensei is on a short mission and will be back soon so I only have you for today". "Aww but I want you to be our real sensei", Naruto complains. Sakura goes to hit Naruto over the head but I catch her wrist. "There is nothing wrong with having personal preferences and opinions, Sakura please do not use violence in the class save it for when you're in an actual fight". "But you said you were always beating up people and fighting when you were in academy", she argues. "I did say that, but I never told you that I got kicked out several times". "How are you a ninja if you got kicked out the academy?", Kiba asks. "I was too good of a ninja to let go so instead they transferred me to another village where I studied under some very powerful ninja". "Can I do that?!", a random boys asks. "I think its a bit late for you guys, I graduated the academy when I was 8 years old and became chunin when I was 10, then jonin when I was 14". "Wow that is so cool! You must be as strong as the Hokage!",Naruto yells. I shake my head."No he will be much stronger then me, he is a lot older and has more experience then I. Now stop asking questions, lets start the lesson". I pick up the relief work off the teachers desk and read through it.

Period 1
Talk about Kekkei genkai
Period 2 
Talk about summoning animals
Period 3
Practice shadow clone jutsu

"This period we are going to be talking about kekkei genkai, do you all know what that is?", I ask. Naruto and some others shook their heads while Hinata, Sasuke and some randoms nodded. "Well just in case you didn't know, Kekkei genkai are special abilities that only certain people have, most kekkei genkai are within clans so most people in that clan will have the same kekkei genkai". "What type of clans?". "Here in the leaf there are many kekkei genkai, most of them being visual". "What does that mean?". "It means that their kekkei genkai is in their eyes, like byakugan or sharingan". I knew Sasuke was glaring at me but I chose to ignore him. "Do you have a kekkei genkai, (Y/n)-sensei?", Sakura asks. I nod and begin unwrapping the bandages around my arms. The children stared wide eyed at the snowflake shaped markings. "My kekkei genkai is know as 'frost bite', I can manipulate water and change it to ice at will", I say, forming a small ice cube in my hand. 

"What are you gonna do with an ice cube?", Sasuke scoffed. "I don't know Sasuke, you seem like a smart boy why don't you suggest something and I will make it". "A kunai". It only took a few seconds and I had formed an ice kunai in my hand. He stared wide eyed at me, causing me to smirk. "If you're impressed with that then you should actually see me fight, I can create an entire sword in under a second, I made an ice cube and a kunai and I haven't even used any of my chakra". "Do you think that I have a kekkei genkai?", Sakura asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Since your just a citizen ninja and not a member of a clan I don't think you will but some kekkei genkai like wood release, a kekkei genkai only the first Hokage, are very rare and won't be in everyone else in the clan". "How do you know about the first Hokage?", Sasuke accuses. I sigh. "People like the Hokage are known all over the world, they were powerful ninja and everyone looks up to them even if they are from different villages". He scoffs again. I could see the pain in his eyes even though his face was blank, he was alone. He was just like me when I was his age. But he had a family who loved him which was what I lacked. I rub my temples trying to push away the memories. The bell rings and I dismiss the class. I head out into the playground and lean up against a tree, staring off into the distance.

Shit chapter, I know. I'm writing the next part straight after so if you read it straight away then just wait an hour or two for the next part. I just finished watching Dan and Phil play dream daddies which is hilarious. Shot out to the game grumps who made that awesome game! I want to get it! But I'm too poor, ugh I need a job. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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