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(Y/N)'s POV

Walking up to Isabel's door, I notice an unfamiliar car. It must be Mr. A- Levi's car.

I take in a deep breath and knock on the door, and within seconds it opens to Farlan wearing a pink ruffly apron, carrying a mixing bowl of cookie dough.

"Oh hey Farlan, that look really suits you" I greet, laughing.

"Don't mention it" He says burying his face in his hand, embarrassed. "Isabel is forcing me bake."

"Okay sure, princess" I continue laughing as I walk into the house.

Farlan puts his hand on his hip sassily "hahahaaa, real funny (y/n)."

"That is not helping your case-" I point at his sassy pose as I walk into the kitchen.

As I turn the corner, I'm greeted by Isabel and Levi standing around the kitchen island. "Hey girly!" Isabel waves happily at me. Levi flinches at Isabel's greeting, and turns around to face me looking startled. He gives me a little wave as well.

"Hey guys" I wave back.

Levi turns back around to open up a bag of pretzels. He pours them into a bowl and takes them over to the dining room table next to the kitchen. "I assume we're working in here" he says, setting down the bowl.

"Yessir" Isabel nods at him, and swiftly pulls me aside. "I hope you don't mind that he's here..." she whispers to me.

I purse my lips for a split second "it's cool." I shrug at her and head to the table.

I set my backpack down next to a seat, and sit. "I guess I should work on something from another class...since I don't have English homework."

"Well I can help with anything you need. Not math though." He says while sitting down and opening his laptop.

There's one thing we have in common. Math isn't my strong suit.

I glance over to Levi through the corner of my eye. He has white streaks all over his arms. "What is that?" I ask, pointing to the marks curiously.

He looks down at his arm, as if he didn't notice they were there. "Paint."

"Oh so you like painting?" I ask, and he nods in reply.

"Cookies are done!" Farlan yells, walking up to us with a tray full of chocolate chip cookies. He sets the tray in the middle of the table.

"Thanks...mom" I giggle at him, still wearing the apron.

"Hey, I know I look pretty but you don't have to call me a mom-" He flicks my forehead.

"Ow- okay sorry. Jesus" 

I notice Isabel still in the kitchen. "Hey Iz, we're starting" I call out to her.

"Coming!" She says, frolicking into the room with yet another bowl of food. "Sasha decided to come last minute, so I had to make extra food."

"Tch. Surprised that brat isn't fat" Levi mumbles.

"Tell me about it" Isabel chuckles, stuffing a cookie into her mouth.

"Hey- I heard that!" Sasha suddenly appears from around the corner. Great timing...

The studying lasted a few hours. We all worked on different classes, occasionally getting help from Levi as he worked on grading his student's homework. I'm pretty sure Farlan was just dinking around instead of actually working, but what's new. Sasha ate practically all the food...typical.

"Okay guys, what movie are we watching?" Isabel asks as we head into the living room after our studying.

"Not comedy-" Levi says while sitting on the end of the couch.

Isabel crosses her arms at him "that was already off the table. I haven't seen you laugh in years."

"Oooh, let's watch a horror movie!" Sasha jumps up and down excitedly.

"Sounds good to me" Isabel says.

Levi nods "me too."

"I'll get the lights!" Farlan darts to the light switch, making the room almost pitch black.

"What about popcorn?" I ask.

"Oh crap, I'll get it!" Sasha says and runs into the kitchen.

After seeing that the couch is already full, I decide to just sit on the floor. I painfully sit down on the hardwood floor, which offers no comfort whatsoever.

Noticing my discomfort, Levi hands me a pillow and blanket. "Here."

"O-oh. Thanks" I say, reaching for them. I stick the pillow under my butt and wrap myself in the blanket, which will provide a perfect shield against any jumpscares.

A few minutes later, Sasha walks back in with three bowls of popcorn. "One for Iz and Farlan, one for (y/n) and Mr. A, and one all for myself" she giggles.

"Start the movie already-" Farlan whines, throwing a piece of popcorn at the TV screen.

Right of the bat, the movie is terrifying. Normally I can handle scary movies but this one is 10 times worse. I notice my limbs shaking gently, and assume it's either from my pure terror or the cold winter temperature. It's probably both.

Suddenly I feel another blanket wrapping around me gently, "don't catch a cold brat."

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