[ 12 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

We drove up to our house slowly. We don't really know what to expect at this point.

"Well, I guess this is it." I calmly say to Noah.

He shrugs. "Yeah I guess so."

We both get out of the car, and walk to the front door. I get my keys out of my pocket and unlock it. Noah goes in first, and I follow. We walk towards Dad's office, and he's sitting at his desk with his hands covering his face.

I knock on the door frame and he jumps. He looks up at us and his face becomes calm. "Guys, where have you been?"

I think about Levi for a second, but Dad can't know about him. "I was at Isabel's, and Noah was at his friend's house."

"Why didn't you come home?" He asks, getting out of the chair.

I rub the back of my neck. "W-well. I saw you fighting with Emma. I didn't want Noah and I to get involved."

Dad's head drops. "Oh, yeah. About that... Emma left."

My eyebrows rise intensely. "Really?"

He nods. "She did things that she shouldn't have done, we tried to work things out, but then she packed up and left."

I watch him speak and notice his eyes tearing up. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. "Everything will be fine Dad. Sometimes it just isn't meant to be."

He nods again. "Well I'm just glad you guys are okay. Did you walk here?"

"I uh, borrowed a car." I said, and hold up the keys.

"Oh okay." He says, not questioning anything.

"Well I'm gonna go back to Isabel's to do some homework." I kiss the top of Noah's head and wave goodbye to dad.

"Cya." Noah says as I walk out of the room.

I walk back out to the car and get in it. "Ha, homework." I mumble to myself. I think about it, and realize that I do actually have homework. Maybe Levi can help me with it. I pull out of the driveway and head back to Levi's.

I realize that he only lives like 10 or so minutes away. Thinking about him makes my heart flutter a bit, but I'm still concerned about him being a lot older than me. I guess I'll talk to him about it.

After the short drive, I get to his house and head inside. "I'm baaack." I say, loud enough for him to hear me. I don't hear a reply. I set down my purse on the kitchen island, and walk over to the living area. On the couch lays a Levi, sleeping soundly with a huge mountain of blankets on top of him. I walk around to the front of the couch and sit down beside it. I put my hand on his forehead, and it's burning.

"Ah, I'm sleeping brat." He whispers suddenly.

I stand up quickly. "Sorry! I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Tch. I'm fine." He mumbles.

"You're burning up though..." I say, and he shrugs as a reply. "Well when you're done with your nap, I really want to talk to you."

He opens his eyes slightly and looks into space. "What about?"

I tap my foot a little, uncomfortably. "Uhm, us."

His eyes snap open to their normal state now. For Levi though, he kind of has a natural squinty look. "Us?"

I nod and sit back down, criss-cross, in front of him. "Yeah."

"Okay. Talk to me." He says in a comforting way. He digs his hand out of the blankets and sets it on my upper thigh. I tremble slightly. Jesus is he trying to comfort me or turn me on?

"W-well. Firstly, I'm not sure if we're actually dating. Secondly, the age thing I feel like could be an issue." I spill out what I've been wondering.

He sits up a little bit and thinks. "I don't have a problem with the age thing. We just won't be able to go too far until you're 18." I nod in agreement. "And dating? I haven't properly asked you yet."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't you need someone to ask you out to be considered dating?" He sits up in the couch a little bit, moving his hand to my knee.

"I guess I never really thought about it. But it makes sense." I shrug.

He's silent for a second. "Well then I guess I'll have to do it properly sometime."

I smile at him and lean forward to gently kiss his lips. "You don't have to be extravagant about it."

"Tch. You'll like it." He nods.

"I'm sure I will." I say while standing up. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'm fine." He simply says, and starts getting up from the couch. As he starts to stand up, he trips and slightly knocks into me. I catch him, and hold onto his sides.

"You're fine?" I ask, in an unimpressed way.

He sits back down, lowers his head, and sighs gently. "Yeah."

I sit next to him and put my arm around his waist. "What's wrong?" I ask. He just shakes his head as a reply. I look around and see 4 beer bottles sitting around the living room. I sigh quietly. "You should go back to sleep. I'll make you lunch when you wake up."

He glances at me through the strands of his hair that fell over his face. Damn that's attractive. "Okay." He says, and lays back down on the couch. I stand up and head to his bedroom, in search of a laptop to do homework. I look around, but don't see anything. "Maybe he has an office." I say quietly to myself. I walk out of the room and across the main living area to a room that I haven't been in. I open the door slowly, and notice that it's very dark. I turn on the lights, and see a bunch of canvases, paintbrushes, paint, and other art materials placed around the room, in a very unorganized way. It's quite surprising actually, because Levi seems like a really clean and tidy person.

I look at one canvas that has a painting on it. I walk towards it slowly, and notice that he painted me. At first I don't really react, but then I freak out slightly when I notice that I'm naked. Uh...what?  I hear walking behind me, and then the door creaking. "Shit...you weren't supposed to see that."




I'm beyond sorry for not posting for so long...my life has been kinda crappy lately so I've not been motivated at all. The ending is kinda sheet, but I really wanted to post it, so that's all I got xD

I'll try to upload regularly! (which in my terms means once per two weeks, unless I get hecka motivated so sorry ;~;)

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