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(Y/N)'s POV

Levi opens the door of the cafe for me, and I walk in. The smell of bacon and maple syrup hits me immediately. "Wow, it smells good!" I say, taking in a deep breath.

Levi doesn't say anything, and leads us to an empty booth. A 20 something year old girl comes up to us with two menus. "Good morning." She says while smiling wide. "Can I get you some drinks?"

Levi and I both nod. "I'll just have water." He says.

"Me too." I say, and open my menu. I don't want to get the most expensive thing, so I'll probably just get pancakes or something. "Do you know what you want?" I ask.

He puts down his menu and shrugs. "Nothing."

I glance at him. "Nothing?"

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry." He says, frowning. "I'm never hungry when I'm sick."

"That makes sense."

The waitress comes back a couple minutes later. "Do you know what you want?"

"I'm just gonna get pancakes." I say.

"I'm not ordering." Levi tells the waitress.

"Okay, no problem. I'll be back with your food in a little bit." She smiles, and walks away again.

I notice a box of crayons, so I pick them up and start scribbling on my napkin. I hear someone talking, and they say "That's a young dad...he's so attractive too." I sink into the booth a little bit, and pretend like I didn't hear it. I look at Levi, and he definitely heard it. His brow is furrowed, and he looks like he could hit someone.

"It's okay. Better than assuming we're dating or something." I shrug.

His brow unfurrows, and he nods slowly. "Dating?"

I shrug again. "I don't know..."

The next several minutes are silent. I continue to draw on my napkin, and don't make eye contact with him. I can see him looking at me through the corner of my vision. "Alright, here are your pancakes." I hear the waitress approach. I sit up, and immediately start eating. I'm the opposite of Levi. I eat a ton when I'm sick.

"Tch, calm down. You're gonna choke." He rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, I'm hungry." I say, mouth completely full.

"We need to go to the store after this to get more food." Levi says, watching me eat.

"Fine with me. Beats being at school." I say, smiling happily.

After I finish, Levi pays and we leave. I start coughing again, and Levi starts also. "Sorry for making you sick..." I whine. Levi doesn't respond.

We pull into the store and walk in. Levi gets a cart, and cleans the handle with a cleaning wipe.  We walk through all the aisles, and he occasionally puts something in the cart. We turn to go into the next aisle, and I see dad. "Oh shit." I whisper, and run back to the other aisle. Levi walks back to me, and looks confused.

"What happened?" He asks.

I point towards the next aisle and mouth the word 'dad.'

"Ah, okay you go back in the car. I'll continue shopping." He suggests.

I nod in agreement. "Okay. I'll take the keys." I say, and he hands me them.

I quickly walk to the front of the store, and to the car. I unlock it, and get in. I sit and look around quietly, waiting for my dad to walk out. Maybe 15 long minutes later, I see him come out. I duck my head down, so he doesn't see me. I wait for a couple minutes to be sure he's not there anymore. I look up, and he's gone. "Phew..."

I get out of the car and walk back into the store. I go past all the aisles to find him, and eventually see him. He's in the cleaning supply aisle. "There you are." I say, and hug him from behind.

"I kinda followed your dad." He admits.

I release the hug. "You followed him? Why?" I giggle.

"To see if he's plotting anything. Unless ramen noodles are deadly, I think we're safe." He says, looking at a disinfecting spray intensely.

"Calm down. I don't think the price will suddenly change by staring. And what do you mean, plotting?" I ask.

He's silent for a second. "He could be going through something right now. You never know."

"That's true. The fight he had with my step mom yesterday was scary." I say, looking down at my feet.

Levi notices, and rubs my back like he did yesterday. I lean against him. "Everything will be fine. I'm here." He comforts me.

I look up at him with hope. He leans his head towards me, and I peck him on the lips. "Let's go check out."

We walk to the self-checkout stand. Levi scans everything while I bag. We get it done really quickly actually. Levi pulls out his wallet and gets a credit card. He scans it and the little sign says 'error.' "Fuck." He gulps. He scans it again a different way, and the same thing happens. A worker at the store comes and looks at the screen.

"Looks like your card is empty." The worker takes the card and cuts it in half.

Levi glares at him. "Tch. That's just great."

I stand there awkwardly as he looks through his wallet. "I can help pay." I suggest.

He glances at me for a second and shakes his head. "No. I won't let you."
He keeps looking around and finds a 20. The total amount is $25.89.

I fish around my pockets and find a small bundle of money. Without hesitating, I put it into the machine before Levi can say anything. It seems to cover the $5.89. Levi glares at me like he did to the worker, but this time it's scarier. I try to hold the gaze but I can't. I pretend to notice something, and walk off.

After we get the groceries, we head back into the car and to his house. I don't know why, but I'm completely comfortable with him. I'm 17 and he's a grown man. What am I getting myself into?

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