[ 18 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

The school dance ended at 11:00. Hundreds of students rush out of the gym to head to their cars and go home. I walk shamefully out of the school with my head dangling. I don't know why I'm ashamed. It wasn't my fault. Maybe I'm ashamed of Levi. He took it too far. I understand why he would just be upset, but he didn't have to shove the guy so hard. I wonder what other students thought of it.

"Well that was...interesting." Farlan says to me as we head back to his car.

I sigh. "Yeah it was kinda weird."

I look at my phone to see a text from Levi.

Have Farlan drop you off at your house. I'll pick you up.

"Hey guys, I'm actually not feeling very well. I don't think I'll make it to the sleepover." I make up a random lie.

"Aw, okay. We'll still have movie night next weekend though?" Isabel asks.

I nod. "Of course."

I wave goodbye to Farlan and Isabel as I walk into my house. It's pitch black, so I slowly navigate myself up the stairs and to my room. I turn my light on, which made my eyes sting for a second. Everything was dark up to this point. The dance, the night sky, and my house.

I walk to my closet to find something comfortable, cause this dress definitely isn't, although it's super cute. I pick out some black leggings and a baggy white t-shirt and suddenly hear my phone ding. It's Levi again.

I'm outside.

Jeez, how fast did he drive? I quietly run out of my room with my clothes and check my Dad's room to see if he's sleeping. He's completely passed out. Then I check Noah's room and he's playing on his phone. "Why are you still awake?" I whisper to him.

He looks away from his phone and towards me. "I don't know. Can't sleep." He frowns. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"Friends house." I tell him.

He looks at my dress. "You look really pretty."

I smile at him. "Thanks Noah." He doesn't compliment me very often. "Now get some sleep." I close his door and head down the stairs and out the door. I hurry to his car. I know he's upset.

I get in and his face looks terrifying. I don't even try to talk to him.

Several minutes pass. I hear him sigh quietly. I look over at him. "Are you okay?" I ask.

He sighs again. "I'm fine. I just feel bad."

"You were just being protective." I reach out my hand and pat his thigh, hoping I could calm him down. I've never dated anyone before, besides Farlan, but that didn't count, so I'm not really sure how to comfort him.

"I was too protective though. For fucks sake, everyone could have found out about us." He dips his head down a little, but still pays attention to the road.

"Levi, it's fine. It already happened, we don't need to worry about it anymore." I assure him. By this point, my hand is just resting on his thigh. I think it's comforting me more than him. 

I feel a little pressure pressing against my fingertips and quickly move my hand away. "I uh...I think your phone went off."

"That's not my phone." Levi says, looking even more intensely at the road.

"Oh! Oh my god." I bury my face in my hands out of embarrassment and from the fact that I didn't even realize what was happening.

Levi clears his throat and sits straight in the seat as he continues driving. "I'm sorry." I say faintly.

He looks over at me for a second. His face is relaxed now but he's blushing really hard. "All good. I'm surprised you didn't know."

"I'm pure apparently." I let out a small, shy chuckle at myself. "I've never...you know."

The car jerks to the side a little after I said that. "R-really?" Levi asks.

"Yeah I told you I've never dated anyone before." I remind him.

He thinks for a second. "Right... Well you know we can't do anything."

I nod, not saying anything.

We arrive at the apartment and I get out of the car quickly. I'm ready to eat some food. The dance didn't provide anything but water. Levi walks ahead of me to unlock the door. We walk in and Princess is greeting us by sitting on the kitchen island.

I walk straight towards the bedroom and sit on the bed to take off my heels. I then close the bedroom door and start changing into my comfy clothes. I already feel so much better. Once I finish that, I go to the bathroom to wash off my makeup. I can hear Levi cooking something.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Levi making homemade pizza and popcorn. "So you can cook, I see." I say to him, while tugging on the end of his shirt lightly.

He nods. "I learned from my sister." He says, and pauses for a second, but then continues making the food.

"We must be watching a movie, huh?" I ask.

"Yeah. You can pick. But nothing cheesy."

An idea pops into my head. "We should watch a scary movie!"

He looks at me, perplexed. "A scary movie? You were practically peeing yourself when we watched one at Isabel's."

That night flooded back into my mind. "Y-yeah I know. But I also thought the house was getting broken into so.."


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