[ 6 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

Walking into the school seems almost impossible. I don't want to see Levi, but at the same time I do. I just want to know why he did what he did.

I open the door to the entrance reluctantly. I see my friend Mikasa sitting in the common area which instantly makes me feel a bit better. She's amazing at comforting people.

"Hey Kasa" I greet as I approach her.

Her face is blank. "You seem upset."

"Is it obvious?" I ask, quickly covering my face with my hands.

"What happened?" She asks.

I let out a sigh as I sit down next to her. "Well let's just say something happened when I was with Farlan and Iz last night" I explain.

"Did you and Farlan...?" She starts.

"No no! Good lord no...He's more like a brother to me" I let out a quick uncomfortable chuckle at the thought of doing it with Farlan.

Mikasa leans over in her seat and pats my shoulder "I'm here if you need to talk." A small smile appears from behind her scarf.

"Thank you Kasa. I'll cya at lunch" I get up from my seat and head for my locker so I can set down my heavy backpack.

"Hey (y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice calling out for me from down the hall.

I look towards the voice and see Eren quickly walking up to me.

"Hey (y/n). I wanted to apologize about last night. Farlan paid me to do it..." he scratches the back of his neck, embarrassed.

I roll my eyes at him, "it's cool. I'm just glad it wasn't an actual intruder."

"Yeah that's a good point. Ready for class?" He asks.

I nod and close my locker. Eren and I walk down the crowded halls. My heart sinks more and more the closer we get to Levi's classroom.

Eren glances over at me, "you good?"

I replay last night in my head. "I'm okay. Something happened last night but I don't really wanna talk about it" I shrug.

"Oh okay, no worries" he pats my shoulder like Mikasa did. They really are a couple, huh...

As we get to the classroom I take in a big, deep breath to mentally prepare myself. I guess ignoring Levi is the best thing to do at this point. Eren waits with me outside, but follows right behind me as I walk into the room hesitantly.

I make a bee line for my chair, and see that Isabel and Farlan are already at theirs.

"Mornin" Farlan says with a smirk.

I glare at him. "What the hell were you thinking last night?"

"I just thought it would be fun...I wasn't expecting uhh-" he looks down ashamed.

I lightly punch his arm, "idiot."

"Ow! Damn, I couldn't control what happened...blame Mr. A for all that" he says, rubbing his arm.

I sigh, knowing he's right. I mean he didn't have to pay Eren to fake breaking in...but what Levi did was out of his control.

Levi sluggishly gets up from his desk and walks to the whiteboard to write something. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. "Today's just a work day, so get to work" he announces bluntly to the class.

I look towards him and see him looking at me. His expression is almost intimidating. "He looks like he wants to kill me..." I whisper to Farlan and Isabel.

"Maybe he does" Isabel giggles.

"I wouldn't be surprised..." I hunch over my desk and hide my face in my arms.

I keep replaying the incident, over and over again. It was so strange and sudden...but slightly comforting? It seemed like he wanted to make sure I was okay. He could've done it some other way though...

I suddenly feel gentle tapping on my elbow. I look up and see Levi standing in front of my desk. I almost jump at the sight, but keep myself composed. "Falling asleep in class?" He asks.

"W-what?" I look around groggily and see a completely empty class, besides the two of us.

"You have detention after school. Get to your next class, brat" he hands me a detention slip and walks back towards his desk.

I quickly pick up my backpack and leave his classroom. How long was I asleep? Jesus...

I head for my next class, science. The teacher is Miss Hange. She calls herself a mad scientist. She's a bid...odd. But her class is pretty entertaining. The only downside is that the seating chart put Isabel at the opposite side of the class. Luckily I sit next to Eren, though.

Walking into the class, I see that it hasn't started yet. I'm a bit surprised the bell didn't wake me up. I walk up to my seat and drop my backpack on the floor aggressively, causing Eren to flinch at the sudden loud sound.

"Damn- what's up with you today?" He asks.

I cross my arms at him, "why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"Well I could've...but you looked so peaceful."

"Well it was peaceful" I pout angrily and slump into my chair.

He furrows his brows, confused about my anger. "Well if it makes you feel better, you didn't miss anything important" he reassures me.

Suddenly the door of the classroom slams open. "Hello my beautiful pupils!" Miss Hange sprints down the isle and swiftly plucks a hair off of my head as she does so.

"Ow-" I wince at the quick second of pain.

Miss Hange stops at her lab table with a quick halt. She pulls her safety glasses over her eyes. "First row, you might wanna step back" she holds the hair over a beaker filled with a strange liquid.

The first row hurriedly scoots their chairs back, while Miss Hange drops the hair into the beaker. Within seconds it causes a huge explosion. She cackles hysterically, looking like a complete maniac.

"I-is she a mad scientist or just a crazy person?" Eren asks me, shaken up by the sudden boom.

"What the fuck was that-?"

All of our heads turn back towards the voice, to see Levi huffing and puffing in the doorway.

"Friend!" Miss Hange sprints back up the isle towards Levi. "You heard that all the way from your classroom?"

He nods, still trying to catch his breath. "Yes. You should be glad the principal isn't here today" he nudges her side with his elbow.

"Yeah yeah, sorry. Go back to your boring classroom and teach your pupils about boring English" she nudges him back. "Alright class, I'm gonna teach you how to set water on fire" she happily skips back to her lab table.

Everybody's focus follows her, but I keep mine on Levi. He quickly notices me too. He crosses his arms and cocks a brow at me. Goosebumps form on my skin at his utter intimidation, and he discreetly mouths the words "I'll see you later."

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