[ 7 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

The classroom seems cold as I walk in. Levi is sitting at his desk, staring intensely at his computer screen.

"Sit at the front" he says, eyes not leaving his screen.

I slowly walk to the row of tables closest to his desk. I sit down and set my backpack in the chair next to me. I look towards the clock in the corner of the room and it says 3:04. School got out at 3:00.

"Do you know why you're here?"

I look at him blankly, "uhm...because I fell asleep during class?"

He gets up from his seat and stands in front of his desk, "no. We need to talk about last night."

My heart  sinks a little bit. "O-oh- okay" I stutter.

"What happened was wrong. I suppose I just wanted to...protect you, but the way I did it was inappropriate. I wanted to apologize for making you uncomfortable" he looks at me apologetically.

"W-well" I stutter again. He stares at me, patiently waiting for a response. I try to look at him back, but his gaze is too intimidating. I scratch the back of my head nervously. "I uhm...appreciate that you wanted to comfort me."

His gaze leaves my eyes. He suddenly turns around a kicks the trashcan sitting next to his desk, with a loud grunt.

I quickly get out of my seat and run up to him, concerned. "Are you okay?" 

"You...you were supposed to be mad at me" he starts, but suddenly grabs onto my arms and pulls me close to him. His lips make contact with mine as he starts to kiss me.

Suddenly overwhelmed, I forcefully break free from his firm grasp. I back away from him slowly, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Shit..." he says, wiping his lips with his forearm. "I uh, I'm sorry..."

I look at him carefully. He's a complete mess. He seems upset with himself. He just wanted to protect me...but why is he acting so different all of a sudden? 

I let out a deep sigh. "It's okay."

He looks towards me. He furrows his eyebrow at me, confused. "You're not mad?"

Without thinking, I walk up to him and pull him in for a hug. His arms hang to his side, unsure of what to do or what's happening. "No I'm not mad" I assure him. "Thank you for making sure I was okay."

Levi's hands gently start to wrap around me, accepting the hug. "You're welcome..." he whispers.

The sound of footsteps suddenly start to form in the hallway, getting louder and louder as they get closer. Levi and I quickly release the embrace and I sit back down at my seat.

"Frieeeend~" a voice comes from around the corner, revealing Miss Hange.

"Ah, Hange. What is it?" Levi asks, adjusting his shirt.

Miss Hange begins to closely inspect Levi's face. "I think there's something wrong with you, friend. You're blushing" she cocks a brow at him suspiciously.

"No I'm not- it's just hot in here" he defends himself.

"You're in denial. And it's the middle of winter. I almost got hypothermia just walking into your classroom" she scans the room and notices me. 

Suddenly she sprints up to the desk, excited to see me. "Hey (y/n), thanks again for your contribution to the ahh..." she clears her throat. "The explosion" she whispers at me behind her hand so Levi doesn't hear.

I chuckle at her, "no problem Miss Hange."

She starts inspecting my face like she did with Levi's. "Gee, you're awfully red. Sick?" She takes the back of her hand and places it on my forehead.

I glance at Levi for a second. His eyes widen, looking horrified. "Oh uh- I think I'm just getting a cold or something" I quickly make up.

"Oh that's too bad. Guess you'll have to stay at home tomorrow" she shrugs.

"I agree" Levi quickly interrupts. "You're dismissed brat."

I stand up from my seat and grab my backpack. "Thank you sir" I wave at Levi before leaving the classroom. I let out a long sigh after getting out of that situation.

Levi was...blushing? Because of me? And I was blushing because of him? Jesus, what the hell is going on?

I slowly walk back home, kicking rocks as I think about everything. Last night, what just happened earlier...and the way he suddenly kissed me. It was completely uncalled for. But something about it was oddly...charming? I don't know what to feel anymore.

As I approach my house, I walk up to the porch and hear yelling. I peak through the window and see my dad and Emma arguing with each other.

"What the hell were you thinking Emma?" Dad yells at her.

"I-I had to! We were running out of money!" She yells back.

"What do you mean you had to? I work so god damn hard to support my family and you just go and sleep with someone else for money?"

My heart jumps at what dad said. Emma really did that?

"You need to get out of my house" he points at the door. Suddenly I begin to panic and run away from the house so Emma doesn't see me.

I hope Isabel is prepared for a new roommate, because I do not want to go into that house right now...

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