[ 14 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sit outside of Isabel's house, balling my eyes out. I don't know what I did to make Levi upset, but it honestly terrified me seeing him that mad. I came to Isabel's to see if she knows anything, but no one answered the door so I'm waiting here like a homeless puppy, waiting for someone to come along.

I waited a good 30 minutes before her car drove into the driveway. I stand up so she notices me, and I see her face become shocked. She quickly gets out of the car and hugs me immediately. "What's wrong?" She asks.

I think about Levi, and the emotions start flooding again. Firstly, I tell her that we've been seeing each other because I don't think I've really even told her. Then I tell her about him getting mad.

"Oh, I see." She starts. "Come inside, there's some things I should tell you." She walks into her house and we head straight to her bedroom. We both sit on her bed, and she hands me a box of tissues, which I don't really end up using. I just look at her, waiting to hear something crazy about Levi.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" I ask.

She nods gently. "He...has some problems." I squint at her, not really knowing what she meant. She noticed my confusion, so she keeps explaining. "About 9 years ago, when he was 18, he had family issues. I won't go into detail on that right now, but I will say that he started drinking a lot."

That didn't really surprise me, because I've seen the bottles of wine and beer around his apartment and car. "He went to rehab for it, but it didn't really help, as you could probably tell." She kept going. "He also had a past relationship.

This also didn't really surprise me, cause he told me that he's been in a couple relationships. "Her name is Petra. They adored each other. They thought they were going to get married, but Levi's drinking problem caused some 'things' to happen. He also was painting random naked pictures of her and sold them to who-knows-where."

My eyes widen. "That explains the painting of me that I found."

Isabel's eyes widen as well. "Don't worry, he said he doesn't sell them anymore, and painting is just a stress-relief to him now."

I sigh in relief. I guess he just got mad because he was drunk or something and got carried away. "I think I should probably avoid him for a little bit, just to let things cool off." I suggest.

Isabel nods in agreement. "That should help things out." She says. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

I shrug slightly. "It's okay. It scared me for sure, but now I know why it happened."

"So, do you like dating him?" She asks, forming a smile on her face.

I nod frantically. "I really don't have experience with dating, but he makes things feel easy, if that makes sense. He's pretty calm, but on the inside I feel like he's 'spicy.'" I laugh at myself after saying that.

"Okay okay I don't need to hear about THAT." Isabel shakes her hands at me, telling me to stop.

"Don't worry, we haven't done anything like that. Only kissing." I say.

Suddenly Isabel isn't sitting in front of me anymore. She's now jumping up and down on her bed. "YOU KISSED MY BEST FRIEND!!"

I pull her down by her arm and shush her. "The whole world doesn't have to know..."

"Sorry, sorry. Was he good?" She asks, leaning towards me and twitching her eyebrows.

I think about it, even though it really wasn't something I had to think about. "Yeah, he's pretty great at it. He must have experience."

Isabel and I talked for another 20 minutes or so before I had to go home. We talked about Levi some more, school, the upcoming dance, and just random things. It was a good talk, and I'm glad I got to catch up with her for a little bit.

I wave goodbye as I start walking home. In my head I keep hoping Levi would come around the corner to pick me up, but I know it's not going to happen. Plus, I'm wanting to avoid talking to him for a little bit so he has the chance to think about things. 

I hope he doesn't take it in a bad way...


A/N - Omfg I finally posted. I am so sorry for putting it off but school is my first priority. This was a pretty "talky" chapter, because I just wanted to make things clear for the characters and the readers, and I just really wanted to post ANYTHING. I'm sorry if it was a little boring, but we got to learn more about Levi's past :D

Hope you enjoyed! 

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