Chapter 1

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You arrived at the dwelling of the Emperor. You were awe-struck. The castle was twice the size of your village. You didn't have enough time to enjoy the architect though. The guards were rather rough as they ushered you to go inside. You were then guided to a massive room that several cots inside. A middle aged woman appears and she says with a stern voice,

"You should be grateful you are given a room like this and beds to sleep in. Most slaves have neither. There are rules you must follow and obey. One, you are loyal to our Emperor only. If you dare to conspire against him, you will obtain automatic death sentence after severe punishments. Two, if you run away, you will be killed on sight. Three, whatever our Emperor says go. You will obey direct orders from him. Understood?" Every girl in the room nods in unison. "Good. Now then, on the beds are a change of clothes. Wear it. It shows what you are without disgracing his name. Also once you've changed, head to the main hall. I will issue orders there." The lady leaves without further notice. 

Once she is gone, several girls around break down and start crying. You don't blame them. You are working under a man who basically holds a knife around your neck. Quietly you get changed and head to the main hall. If you were going to survive, you needed to do your role well.

As for the Emperor...

Emperor Arte Mohned had killed many slaves. This was because he found out one was planning on poisoning him. He didn't know which so he decided to rid the ones he found suspicious. Now do to the lack of hands he needed new ones. It was one of the reasons why you and several others were bought. 

This was normal for him. Kill those who defy him and hire those who fear him. It was a quick and simple process to him. It soon became boring for him though. He took pleasure in seeing the ones he puts to death suffer. He sought out to find new ways to punish and torture those who defied him. He then got up. He was going to a torture chamber. He wanted to have "fun." 

As he was walking down the halls, people bowed to him. He could see them shivering in fear. Normal. He continued down the hall. He soon saw a girl. You. You maintained a blank expression. Judging by your clothes, it was obvious you were one of the new slaves. He smirks, interested to see how frightened you would be. When you notice his presence, you bow. He stops. You showed no signs of fear. You continued bowing, waiting for him to pass. He walked closer to you. You still no sign of fear. Interesting.

"Your name." He orders.

"F/n." you clearly state. He them walks away. With a sick smile he walks to the torture chamber. Interesting. How very interesting.

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