Chapter 23

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The letter of your escape had reached Arte. When he read it, the anger radiating off of him was so much that it left his guards trembling. When he finished reading he tore the letter and let out a yell that made his guards go ramrod straight.

"Line up the borders! No one is allowed in or out of the Empire. Anyone who tries to escape or enter will be punished!"

"Yes sir." The guards say. 

"Also, as for F/n. Bring her to me unharmed. For any bruise, cut or scratch found on her body, I will return ten fold." He says darkly. "As for the guards who let her escape. Bring them to me. I will see to their punishment myself. If you can't find them, then their families will pay for their error. This also applies to anyone who helps her escape." The guards salute and exit the room issuing the orders. Within minutes, the city of Signus is already under lock down.

When Arte is left alone in the room. He begins trembling in anger. His anger is so great it couldn't be contained. He breaks his furniture and throws his papers screaming. A maid passing by walks in hearing the commotion. He sees her and cuts her down in his rage. When he calms he notices what he has done. He didn't care until he noticed something. The maid looked a lot like F/n. Same eyes, hair, skin. So similar.

At that he begins trembling. Not by anger, but by fear. There were days where he was more than angry with you and when he first met you he constantly threatened you with your life. What would of happened if the maid was you? What would he do then? If he heard something that angered him to that extent and left you dead in the end? It scared him. He didn't know much damage will be done in his anger. 

In the capital. It was only hours when Esther heard the news. You had escaped. She found it out you weren't back from the trip. She immediately started writing to Cedric about your escape. Surely if you were able to make to Vols, having Cedric around would be much easy. As soon as she finishes she sends a messenger to send the letter. 

As for you, the caravan was treating nicer than you thought. The man was gruff but he treated you nice. You got along well with his young children and wife. You learned they were citizens of Vols and were returning home since rumors of wars were circulating. You had arrived in a trading town when you heard the commotion. People were angry and guards were keeping them at bay. You put your cloak up and asked someone what happened.

"The Emperor's apparent lover had ran away. They are closing the borders. No can get in or out until she is found." the man says angrily. 

"What if they don't find her?"

"Lives are at stake here." he says pushing his hair back. "Anyone involved with the girl must report they have her or they might face punishment. People are going to be accused of helping and end up with their heads chopped off." You feel sick hearing about this. Knowing how Arte is, you wouldn't put it past him for killing people to get to you. You think of the family who helped you. They didn't know anything. You gave them a fake name and an elaborate back story. What you had done without doubt costed people their lives. You felt very guilty. But you weren't going to turn yourself in. You had gotten your chance you weren't going to put it to waste.

You say goodbye to the family and head off. You had some money with you and you bought some supplies, including a map, for the journey you were going to take alone. You were going to go on foot since bringing an animal would bring to much attention. As you traced the outskirts of the town, you found an area that has yet to be blocked off by the guards and make a break for it. The map had shown the closest border was twenty miles away. If you kept at a steady pace, there was hope you were going to be free.

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