Chapter 19

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New circulated about Regina's death. You were oblivious to the fact she was really dead and instead was happy to hear the news. You believed she finally got to where she wanted to be. A funeral was held a few days later. In Roan, it was custom not to show the body of the dead so no one could see Regina's dead body. You attended the funeral but wasn't seated next to Arte much to his displeasure. Instead he was standing next to his in-laws. Regina's parents were crying. Were they genuine tears of sadness, you did not know. The funeral ended and Regina's body was put to rest. Arte had to entertain people afterwards whereas you still had tutoring to attend to and in the afternoon you met Esther in the library.

"Hello Esther." You greet her. She was wearing black like everyone else.

"Hello F/n. I am sorry for the loss of your friend." she says hugging you.

"Don't worry. We all will pass away eventually. It is sad but I am sure that she is in a better place." Esther rubs your arms and soon starts the lesson.

After an hour Esther calls for a break and sits next to you. "How is Arte feeling about Regina's death?"

"He seemed relatively okay. They weren't very close when they married."

"I see." Esther says with thought. She is staring off into space and seemed to be muttering things you couldn't really hear.

"Esther?" you ask. She soon snaps out of it and smiles.

"I'm sorry. I happen to blank out like that on occasion. Shall we continue the lesson?" You nod. "Great. So shortly after the first civil war..." You spend the afternoon learning and finally return to your room.

Arte is there and he smiles. "Was the reception okay?" you ask when you see him.

"Boring. Half of those people has never even talked to her. The rest were pretending to be sorry to get in my good graces."

"I see. Well regardless, Regina must be happy wherever she is." you say smiling.

"Of course. I made sure of it." Arte pulls you towards him and kisses your forehead. You then remember. Since Regina is gone, there is no empress. Arte has already gotten what he wanted. You needed to figure out a plan fast.

"Arte. May I go outside to the towns." His eyes darken.


"Nothing in particular. I just want to go and see civilian life. Would you like to come with me? I wouldn't mind." You were hoping to see how the city layout was so you could list potential exits. The capital is about a week's journey to the border of Vols. Esther had told you that since the border was so big that there are spots that are not guarded by anyone. If you could find one you were free.

"Later in the week then. It is night." He leads you to the bed. 

Esther is in her room writing. She claims that she is writing to her mother about her life in Roan. While it is true that she is writing to her mother, she is writing to another person in particular. The emperor of Vols. He summoned her right before she applied to become your tutor. She was told to spy on the Emperor and you. Esther has held preference for the empire of Vols mainly because of their belief of not owning another human being. The problem though with Vols is that while it is a powerful country, their military isn't the best. They are indeed stronger than other countries but against Roan, it will be a bloody battle. 

Esther knew this and she agreed to it. The war was going to happen without doubt, but if she can give Cedric enough information, Vols will be in a position where they can win. Of course though, if people found it that she was a spy, it will be her death that triggers the war. 

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