Chapter 3

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You stared at Arte and then the sword at your neck. He had a smile that was taunting you. You knew what he wanted. He wanted you groveling on the ground begging for your life. If you did what he wanted though, he would indeed leave you alone but that would leave you at the risk that your life would be claimed. You wanted to live. Slowly you looked back at him and said as calmly as possible.

"Emperor. This is not my decision. Whether or not I live or die, it all depends on you." What you were saying was very risky. You were basically saying you didn't care if you lived or died. This though was the gamble you needed to take. If you managed to hide your fears you would keep him interested and that interest would keep you alive.

There was a moment of silence. Arte was no longer smiling but had a questioning look. "You are an interesting person." He sheathes the sword. "Get out." You quietly nod and go outside to complete your other jobs.

When you were a good distance away, you let out deep breath. You were trembling slightly. You couldn't allow him to see how scared you were. You needed to be brave in order to survive.

As for Arte...

He had done this to many people. It always ended with them begging for their life. He was rather amazed that you didn't. You didn't beg. You appeared to him as someone who didn't care that he could end your life whenever he pleased. He smiled again. "Oh F/n. You are going to be a fun one to break."

Back to you...

You had just arrived at the room very late in the night. The girls looked exhausted. Many of them had puffy red eyes. You also noticed some girls had cloth wrapped poorly in random parts of their bodies. You had been here for only a day. Already the girls were getting abused. When you go to your bed, you see a girl around your age curled up in the bed next to yours. She was covering her head with her hands mumbling incoherent things. Cuts all over her body. "The Emperor." You here her mumble. Then it dawned on you. He did this to her. You get into bed almost immediately. You had a hard night sleeping. You were thinking, how long could you keep this act up.

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