Chapter 27

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Within a few weeks, your back was healing. You were able to lie down on it and walk. When you walked though, you felt a faint stinging. Arte visited your room everyday and apologized for what happened but you never responded. You would only nod or shake your head when asked questions. You wondered what would of have happened if you left with Arity that night. Things wouldn't have escalated that far if you did. You regretted not going but feeling sorry for yourself wasn't going to fix the situation. 

You were reading a book in bed when Arte came in. You acknowledged his presence by just looking at him. The pained look on his face was enough to tell he felt sorry. You couldn't forgive him though. Incidents like the one you faced were going to occur again. You could feel it.

"What book are you reading?" he asked. You were rather surprised that he asked that since when he usually visited you, he would apologize. You show him the cover of the book. He smiles a little. "I liked that author too. He died quite young for his age." You look at Arte as he talks about this author. He seemed happy talking about him.

"He must be a good writer for you to be talking so highly of him." You say quietly. Your voice was rather raspy since you hadn't used it in a while. When you spoke he looked at you shocked. He then hugged you gently as to not let your wounds sting.

"I am so happy F/n. It was so difficult not to hear your voice." He said looking at you. He had tears forming around his eyes. "I am sorry F/n. For doing such things to you and for putting you in a situation where you thought it was your only choice to run." You wipe his tears gently. You never saw him cry and you could see how guilty he felt, but you just couldn't forgive him. You were never going to say that aloud though. You lost the chance you had and you resigned yourself to your fate.

"Would you like to go to the gardens with me?" he asked. You nod silently and he helps you out of the bed. You still feel the stinging but you never bring it up. The walk was quiet but you felt relaxed. You never left your room and the fresh air felt nice. No one would look at you though. You didn't need an explanation as to why. After a while of walking you ask him.

"Will I still be tutored?" you ask. At that Arte starts glaring.

"You will. But not by that woman." he says spitefully.

"Why won't Esther be teaching me?" you ask. 

"I found out that she was working as a spy for Vols. Before she could be tried for her crimes, she fled out of the country." You felt relieved to know that she was safe but worry started to seep in. You never heard of what happened outside shortly after you were brought in. You were going to ask what happened when a guard came running up to Arte.

"Emperor Mohned, the north border was under attack. They are requesting  more units for their vanguard." You felt your mind go blank. The war that was looming over your head had became reality.

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