Chapter 28

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"We are at war?" you say out loud absently. Arte turns to you before turning back to the guard. 

"Gather the soldiers now. We are holding war council in five minutes." The guard nods before gathering those around him. Arte finally looks at you.

"When did this happen?" you ask. Arte sighs.

"Shortly after your tutor fled."

"Did you attack first?" Arte remains quiet. "Why? Why did you do that?"

"It was a matter of time F/n." he says angrily. "War was inevitable at our state. The fact that Foss sent a spy proves we were on that track."

"Perhaps. But you never thought to try and fix it."

"Our ideals are too different F/n. What Vols stands for is different for what Roan stands for. I know you hate the fact that there will be war, but you can't pretend that it will never happen especially with an empire like ours." You look down and Arte sighs. "Come on now F/n. Let's get you back to your room." Left without a choice, you follow him. The two of you part ways when he sees you to your room.

You wanted to try and talk him into trying and get a peace treaty but in doing so, it would show that Roan is weak. Arte wouldn't allow that. You decided not to push your luck. Wars last for years and if lucky months. You have been here for less than a month. It was too early to tell.

Esther was successfully back in Vols and was sitting with Arity and Cedric.

"Was F/n better before you left?" Arity asks. Esther looks down sadly.

"He found out before I was able to actually know in detail about F/n's condition."

"So you don't know?" Arity screams. She had been crying for weeks now after receiving that letter. She felt guilty. You were the one who saved her and managed to secure her freedom. You sacrificed your own for hers. It pained her not knowing whether or not you were even alive.

"Now now Arity." Cedric says comforting the crying child. "Knowing Arte, he is probably doing everything to keep F/n alive. Perhaps maybe she is already better."

"But she is still with the man who nearly killed her." she says trying to wipe her tears.

"I am so sorry for all of this." Esther says after there was a long silence. "It was because of my insolence, I got caught and we are now in war."

"It isn't your fault Esther." Cedric says. "It was Arte's paranoia. When he learned that F/n knew of the escape tunnels, he suspected you told her. He believed you told of her of the way to escape. Regardless, you are fine and well."

"My father isn't." she says. Esther didn't really love her father but she felt some attachment towards him. If he died, she would feel guilty but not to such a degree she would cry.

"How long will the war be?" Arity asks. Cedric didn't know how to answer her. Wars with great empires took months to years depending. The war they were fighting determined whether or not slavery would be outlawed. No doubt in the end, whichever empire fell, the leader for either would get executed. Cedric hugs Arity closer.

"I don't know dear. I don't know."

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