Chapter 29

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Arte never told you specifically what the situation of the war was like. You always heard bits and pieces of conversations though. From what you heard was that their was a lot of casualties on both side. Your stomach tightened at this. It had been only a month since you learned of the war and yet things were getting this bad. 

You were changing clothes when you turn around and look at your scars on your back. The faint lines were littered on your back and you sighed before putting your dress on. Arte had decided to give you limited range outside his supervision. You were walking around when you heard to servants whispering. You hid in the background knowing they would stay quiet if you were to make an appearance.

"I am not lying." the servant said. "Vols has this giant arsenal of explosives apparently. I can't imagine how many people will die from them."

"You make it sound like you support Vols." The other servant said.

"Shut up. Are you trying to get me killed?" You walk away seeing that they were done with the conversation. Explosives. The war was getting so bad that there is talk of explosives. You were walking aimlessly with the information running through your head.

Arte had been through several war councils for the past month. He was aware of the rumors and was setting up his arsenal as well. He never minded playing dirty and was willing to resort to underhanded tactics to win if he must. His main concern was keeping you with him. He still was the sadistic man who had no qualms about murdering others but it had decreased. His punishments became less harsh. You were influencing him slightly. If he lost you, he knew he would revert back to a man who knew nothing but violence. He didn't want that.

Vols did indeed have explosives but Cedric didn't want to use it until it was necessary. He had been on defense  in the war as it was the only way he could prevent major casualties on his side but even then, that had a limit. He needed to hit them hard so that he could turn the tides of war to his favor. 

He thinks about you. Surely if you did escape to Vols, war would be inevitable. You would of made a good pawn. Now Cedric wouldn't put you in a position where your life was in peril or you would of had to return back to Arte but it would have been more easier for him to manipulate the situation. Just then two guards come in hauling two men. Soldiers of Roan.

"These two were raiding one of the villages at the boarder. What would you like us to do with them?" The guard asks. Cedric walks up to the two men. Their clothes were the military uniform of Roan. Cedric smiled at them.

"Throw them in prison and before you do." he says smiling. "Their clothes. Strip them of it and give them prisoners garbs." The guards silently obey and take the men away. "Perhaps things will go in my favor?"

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