Chapter 24

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You were at your makeshift camp. It has been a week. You have been scoping the border and all are surrounded by guards. You were thinking of ways to get past them but it was proving difficult. Since Arte closed the borders, there was no way to get through. Then it occurred to you. Smugglers from Vols. You learned from Esther that smugglers from Vols would actually smuggle runaways into the country. There was a complex underground passage way that led to the country. Maybe you could find one. You pull your map out and cross out what you remember were discovered and closed off.

As for Arte, everyday that you weren't found, the more angrier he got. To relieve anger, he would go to his torture rooms to let off steam. This did nothing. As he stares down the man who is practically nothing but skins and bones, he takes a deep breath. Finally he kicks the man's head, ending his pitiful life. He walks out and heads back to his room. The borders were secured so there was no way you were going to be able to escape without getting caught. 

He thinks back to the time he had with you. The beginning was surely not ideal but as time went on, you back more comfortable with him. He thought it was affection that you were developing for him. He thinks to the conversation he had with you before he left. If he allowed you to join him at Signus, he would have been able to keep you on a tighter leash but it would run the risk of escape. At that he realized. Regardless of if you went with him or not, you were intending on escaping as soon as you can.

"You didn't love me did you." he whispers to himself. "YOU NEVER LOVED ME DID YOU!" he shouts angrily. His hands began shaking and he heads back to the torture rooms.

Cedric had gotten the letter and was worried a bit. The empire was in lock down. Since Esther had citizenship for both empires, her life was in the hands of Arte. As for you, if caught, no doubt would be suffering greatly under Arte's rule. Arity looked at the letter. Since she couldn't read she asked Cedric.

"What does it say?" she asks. Cedric turns to her and pats her hair gently.

"F/n escaped but the Empire is under lock down. No one can get in or out. It means we can't help her escape." He reads the letter once more and sees that it was written that F/n knows about the smuggler tunnels. This gives Cedric small hope. He calls for his guards. "Have guards lining up the tunnels. If you see anyone in the tunnel bring them over to our side."

You had been wandering a while and at last found one of the tunnels. You had just entered it, unaware guards were following you. They had found you. They took small steps trying to hide their presence. But you caught on. You started running through the dimly lit tunnels and was almost at the other side. One of the guards caught you and forced you to ingest pills that knocked you out. As they took your body, guards from Vols had just entered the tunnel waiting to see if anyone arrived. 

Messages were sent to Arte and he was informed you were found. At that he finally smiled. But then frowned. You were going to punished because after all you tried to ran away. Something punishable by death. 

Without Remorse (Male!Yandere! X Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now