Chapter 18

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You were in your room faced with an angry Arte.

"Why are you lying to me?" he asks.

"I-I'm not." He grips your arm tightly.

"You are lying! Why?!" You try to twist your arm away but he only grips it harder.

"Okay. Maybe I was lying, but it was my fault the dress got dirty. I wasn't looking where I was going. I was the one who bumped into her. It was my fault." Arte narrows his eyes.

"Then why did you try to defend her? You choose to lie to me to protect someone else."

"I did. That girl is in the same position as me. She-" you feel a stinging sensation on your cheek. Arte had slapped you. You slowly put a hand on your cheek and face him. "What you just did proves my point."You never thought you would be able to speak back to him but you did. You felt angry and terrified. You did not know what Arte truly thinks of you. His unpredictable nature prevented you from doing so. It takes Arte a moment to realize what he has done. He hugs you but you don't return it.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I was just angry that you lied. Please F/n, don't hate me." He sounded genuinely sad. His personality made no sense. At one moment he is angry and violent and the next, sweet and nice. It confused you. People who worked in the castle all worried about their fate if they angered him. They would end up dead. But for you, if you angered him, he might make it so you were near dead but he would never land the finishing blow because he "loved" you. This incidence solidified that.

Weeks passed. You continued being tutored by Esther and soon learned many things. You learned about how Arte became Emperor ten years earlier and how the Empire became powerful as it was today. You also learned about the very tense relationship between Vols and Roan. They were on the brink of war. It wasn't a matter on if but when they get into war, it will be one of the bloodiest ones the empire has seen. The outcomes will be drastic. If Vols win, slavery will be outlawed and all the people victim of it will be free. But if Roan wins, the runaways and escapees will be captured and murdered. 

Today was an important day. Regina and Arte were finally getting married. Arte was rather angry about today. He needed to get married for power that would be necessary for his rule. He also didn't like the fact that you would be watching him marry someone else. As for Regina, she hated today too. But she was more relaxed about it. She was only a few days away from being free from her chains once and for all. She was going to live the life she desired and she was thrilled. You decided to help her get dressed because after all, a wedding is a special day for bride.

"You seem more thrilled than I am." Regina says as you do her hair.

"I heard stories of the fancy dresses women would wear on their wedding days. In my village, we would just wear our daily wear and use a hand me down veil." You think back to the time in the village. There were so many traditions you had and followed. Those traditions sadly are now gone, never to be brought back. You begin frowning when Regina speaks up.

"If you are going to cry, cry later. Finish up with my hair. Wedding is in an hour."

"Yes ma'am." you say jokingly. Regina was certainly a blunt and rude person but you grew fond of her. You could tell she was growing to like you as she was less rude to you now than she was months ago.

"I'm going to miss you F/n." She says which shocks you.

"Miss me?"

"He didn't tell you did he." she looks at you through the mirror. "In a few days time, I am going to stage my death. Arte said he was going to help with that. You are on your own after I am gone."

"I see. Well I am going to miss you too." You hug her and she freezes up.

"I don't like being hugged."

"Too bad." She gives a dry laugh but doesn't shake you off. A few minutes later Arte comes in. He sees that you are with Regina.

"Why are you here F/n." he asks.

"Helping Regina."


"Can she not?" Regina asks. "Besides she already knows of the plan. This wedding is merely a show to entertain the nobility." Arte still looks angry and Regina rolls her eyes. "I'm not interested in women. You don't have to worry about a thing." You giggle a little when you here the remark she gives.

"And what is so funny?" Arte asks amused. He walks up to you.

"Nothing." You say trying to muffle your laughter. He begin barraging you with questions and Regina makes sarcastic comments ever so often. You find yourself having fun with Arte for once. He seems humane to you today. The three of you enjoy your time together until it is time for the wedding to start.

The wedding goes smoothly. Regina pretends to be sweet in front of everyone whereas Arte  remains the same. A few days pass and soon it is time for Regina's "death."

Regina and Arte head to a secluded alley way in the upper class district. It is was the dead of night so no one was around.

"I can't wait for my peaceful, quiet life." The plan was to have some of Regina's clothes left behind and animal blood painting the walls to look like she struggled and died during the process.

"I can't wait either."Arte states. Regina turns around only to widened her eyes. A red spot grows big on her chest. Arte removes the sword and sheathes it. Regina's lifeless body falls to the ground. "A peaceful, quiet life is a dead one." Arte walks away leaving the body behind. By tomorrow, someone will have discovered the body. Arte smiles. You weren't told how Regina was going to die. For you when you hear the news, you will believe it to be all a ruse. At last, no one to get in his ways of what he wanted.

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