[Chapter Four]

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WrellHaven: District One

Present day

I stared out the window, chin resting on my hand, forehead pressed against the glass. It vibrated against my skull, both uncomfortable and comforting at the same time, giving me a painful rhythm to pass the time to. The carriage rocked slightly, as if wind had gusted against it. Malik stretched with a yawn, raising his arms over his head, fingers curling. His mouth gaped, pearly whites flashing as he didn't even bother to cover his mouth.

"Quaint." I said coolly, casting him an annoyed glance. He grinned, winking, his mouth snapping shut again.

"I try my best." He said smoothly, his foot bumping into mine as he stretched. I aimed a swift kick to his shin and moved to reply – with no doubt something witty – when the train carriage suddenly went black. The lamps exploded, showering the floor and the seats with glass. I threw my hands over my head and ducked underneath the table, breathing hard. My head hit the bottom of the table sharply and I hissed in a breath.

"What the hell?" I demanded, "Malik, what is going on?" No light filled the carriage, though I knew it was bright white outside. A small bubble of fear blew into existence within me, and I felt for Malik in the darkness.

"Our stop is coming up." His voice was right in front of me, "We have to jump." I couldn't see him in the dark but I could feel him as his shoulder brushed up against mine. He had taken refuge under the table with me.

"Jump?" I snapped, "Jump from where? The train? Have you lost a hold on your sense?!"

"No!" light flashed in from the windows and I was able to see again. Malik's eyes danced with delight and a manic kind of excitement. They looked like lightning storms – grey and bright. He really wanted to jump. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out from under the table, ignoring my cry of protest as my elbow hit the edge. More bruises – fantastic.

I was dragged to the nearest cabin door and he wrenched it open, revealing a dark, gloomy city far below us: WrellHaven. The endless white had vanished to be replaced with stormy skies, and I could feel heavy rain dancing on my skin.

Far below I could see the six districts, arranged in a ring around the king's tower. Rocky water threw itself against the city's shores, swamping out endlessly on every side.

"We can't survive that drop!" I cried. We were hundreds of feet above the city. My panicked mind briefly wondered what the train was driving on – there didn't seem to be anything underneath us besides thin air. Malik didn't seem to have the same mindset as I did about the whole situation, a dark delight dancing across his features.

"Just trust me!" Malik shouted above the air roaring wind and rain, "Come on!" he yanked me forwards, almost tearing my arm from its socket. I gripped the side of the train stubbornly, feeling his full weight as he hung by my arm. "Cora!" he cried, "We have to jump now or we'll miss our stop!"

"I can't!" I cried, feeling his fingers slip down my now wet wrist. A part of me wanted to grab him, to stop him from falling, but before I could do anything he had let go. His grey eyes stared up at me through the storm as he fell gracefully away from me.

"No!" I cried, reaching for him, all too late. Ahead of me I could see the train was veering away from the city and I knew Malik was right; I only had seconds left. Feeling my brain scream in protest I steeled myself to let go of the train wall. A moment later I leaned forwards, letting my weight carry me over, and I fell through the air like a bird with clipped wings. small part of my mind hated the fact that it was now becoming a familiar sensation – the feeling of the air tearing at my clothes, and caressing the underside of my body in what would've seemed like a loving embrace had I not been plummeting to my death.

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