[Chapter Seven]

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Malik and I had to share quarters. I sighed as Tim showed up to the next floor. It was a smaller area, with only one window at the end of the hall, and a single door. Inside the only room I saw two beds, both leaning against opposite walls. A small table with two chairs sat in the centre of the room, bare parchment and papers scattered over it. There was a second door sat in the far wall, and another window sat in the centre of the wall above the second bed. There were no blackout curtains on this floor.

"I'll be ready to show you around tomorrow morning," Tim smiled, backing out of the room, "Sleep well." He shut the door behind him and I was left in the quiet room. Malik immediately walked over to the closest bed and fell down over it.

"My queen, your bed awaits." He grinned, gesturing towards the other. Now that we were alone again, his humour had returned. I sighed and sat down on the beds, looking out the window beside it. I could see the District outside. Dirty, cold, and lit only by the yellow glow of street lamps. Now that I was up higher I could see more of the border, and the floodlights that lit it up. It was nothing more than a steel and stone wall, made to keep people in their own districts. I could almost trick myself into thinking I could see the Patrol officers, marching up and down. As I sat thunder rumbled overhead and more rain rattled at the window. I stood and pulled my cloak off, draping it over the back of a chair as Malik stretched and walked over the second door. I glimpsed through and saw a toilet and wooden bath. I sighed – we had to share a bathroom too. No privacy.

"Nice and cosy." Malik chuckled, "Looks like we'll be getting to know each other, won't we." I groaned and fell back onto the bed, rolling away from him. I heard him laugh and take his own cloak off. He threw it onto his bed.

"So, does Nathan know that we are... you know, dead? Does he know we work for Death?" I asked. "It's just, he looked more concerned than I thought he would've when he saw me with you."

"You do realise I am a professional murderer," Malik laughed, "I'd be concerned if I saw my little sister working with me."

"You have a little sister?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"What? No!" I heard the bed groan as he sat back down. "But to answer the first question, no. According to Nathan, and to everyone who is working with him, we are just two average, garden variety assassins."

"Okay." I said. The term 'average assassin' just seemed wrong, like there were enough of them to have an average. I wondered if Malik and I were Death's only apprentices, or if he had others doing additional work in the other worlds Malik had mentioned. I sighed, curling my arms to my side. There was so much to learn about this new life, and I hadn't exactly entered the water without a ripple. A second later I heard the rustle of cloth and turned, confused.

Malik sat on the edge of his bed, bare-chested, half-way through removing his boots. One sat on the floor, the other dangling off his toes. I saw his second tattoo again for a brief moment before his arm moved and it was hidden. He noticed me watching and grinned.

"See I knew it. You're a total pervert."

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded, sitting up.

"I'm getting undressed." He said, "Because I want to wash up. I'm sorry, am I going to have to play Mr Obvious around you?" he chuckled, "I did warn Death that you didn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed."

"And you can't get undressed in the bathroom, because?" I asked, determinedly staring at his face so my eyes wouldn't slip lower.

"I see you are enjoying the view." He winked and I not for the first time I was glad I couldn't blush. I cast him a steely gaze, crossing my arms over my chest.

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