[Chapter Twenty-One]

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"He killed an innocent?" I whispered, "He killed a girl?"

"He lost you so many times, over and over again, and each time he believed it was his own fault. He wanted to ensure that he could keep you safe, and so he did whatever he had to."

"Why did he think it was his fault?" I asked, "What did he do?"

"Simply by showing you his affection, it seemed you were always dragged into the thick of the fray, and you were always killed. I have showed you two times. It happened more."

"And that's why... he gave his second chance for me?" I asked. I opened my eyes and looked at Death. He nodded.

"He thought it was his fault – had he forced you to come and to fight, and as a result you died. And so, whether to lessen his guilt, or in an attempt to finally make things right, he took the fall and died, letting you live."

"Please, give him another chance." I cried, "Please. I can't finish this job without him."

"It is not my place to give life back to those who have died." Death said coolly.

"Bullshit!" I snapped, "You brought me back twice! Bring him back."

"As my apprentices I gave each of you one chance – one chance to cheat death. To cheat me. Both of your chances are spent. I refuse to bring him back." I wanted to snarl at Death, to glare at him, to tear at him. He could bring Malik back, he just was choosing not to.

"Can I at least say goodbye?" I asked softly. Death shook his head.

"Malik has passed." Death said softly, "Whilst I showed you what you needed to see, he woke, and moved on. He is both Malik, and yet not Malik, and he will never be Malik again." I gritted my teeth, taking deep breaths. I felt a burning behind my eyes and I wanted to just curl up and cry.

"He's gone? You said he would be here when I got back! Where has he gone?"

"He was ready to leave. And he didn't want to say goodbye to you anymore. As to where he is, I can't tell you. But he has been born once more, and he will die again. He has re-joined the cycle – and you have not." He moved over to the throne and sat upon it, resting his hooded head on a hand. "There is one last thing you must see – it is only short, but Malik himself wanted you to know. Step through the gate once more and when you return, you will be taken back to the city. You are needed in WrellHaven, Cora. Your brother needs you, as does the city itself."

"What if I don't want to go back?" I snapped, "Can't I just... walk through that gate and be reborn too?"

"No." Death said firmly, "Unless I allow you to, you will not forget. And you Mark still binds you to me. You have already entered the gate – you know I speak the truth. And I will not let you pass on. You accepted this job. Malik dealt with your death for many a year. You can bear the same burden."

"Fine." I sighed, "I'll go..." I turned away from him and walked to the gate. "He wanted me to see this?" I asked. Death nodded. I sighed and took a step in and felt the clouds swirl and swallow me.

I was in Malik's body once more, and yet he was cold now. And I could feel the pain in him that I could see behind his eyes. Where was he? He looked around, up at a tall building. There was a window open towards the top and he began to climb, moving faster than I had ever seen him, until he reached the ledge outside the window. He peeked into the room as a light melody reached his ears, being careful not to be seen. The first thing I saw was a young woman sitting in a chair, rocking back and forth gently, a small infant in her lap. With a start I recognised the woman, though I had never seen her before. I just knew her... she was humming under her breath, letting the baby play with her fingers.

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