[Chapter Thirteen]

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As it turned out, Nathan did not agree with Malik's plan, crossing his arms when we explained the idea, and expressly forbidding me to go.

"You are not going to follow after him and try to reason with those thugs!" Nathan cried, frowning as I rolled my eyes, "They're... they're... Criminals!"

"Look who you're talking to." Malik snapped, an eyebrow raised, "We're not exactly law-abiding citizens either. Nor, for that matter, are you."

"This is different." Nathan shot back, turning on Malik, "you two are paid to do our bidding. You're not out in the world, doing whatever it is you want."

"Well, actually," Malik growled, his voice becoming dangerously quiet, "We are. I believe that to complete this job to the best of my ability, we should enlist the help of others. Once Haleck is felled chaos will ensue. Who is going to protect your untrained friends and family from the Patrol, and those with power who sympathised with Haleck's ideals?" Nathan floundered, looking for words. "The Golden Pistols are." Malik finished savagely, "or even the Forsaken Syndicate... who knows, maybe even both, if we play our cards right."

The Golden Pistols...? The Forsaken Syndicate...? Sluggishly, my brain realised those must have been gang names, or at least the titles of those we were going to speak to. I briefly wondered exactly how many gangs there were in this torn city, all struggling to become top dog. Malik's words did nothing to calm Nathan though, who seemed to grow tenser with every second. I wondered how long it would be before his knuckles burst through the skin, as white as they were, clamped over his arms.

"I won't let you go." He snapped, stubbornly, "You're to stay here and do as I say." He ordered. Somehow, even under Malik's perilous glare, he managed to keep some firmness to his voice. Malik gave a short laugh, a humourless laugh.

"You won't... won't let me go?" he laughed again, "I'd like to watch you try and keep me here." He turned on his feet, and stalked to the door, standing in the open doorway. "Come, Cora. We have work to do."

I began to turn when Nathan grabbed my wrist, halting me. I didn't pull away, only looked him dead in the eye.

"You'll die. I won't let you go." Nathan's pleading tone contradicted his words, and I felt my stomach coil like a serpent, and my heart hardened.

"You already let me go." I whispered icily, tearing my arm away with a jerk. I walked to Malik, leaving Nathan to stand in the middle of the room, arms loose by his side. I felt a small blossom of regret flower in my chest as we walked away, but I quickly stamped it down. He had forced me away, all those years. Had turned me out. The tiniest part of me wanted to forgive him, and to move on. To have a brother back... a family. But with every day that minuscule part of me shrank, and I knew – even feared – that soon it would be too late.


Sleep had evaded me. As I had laid in bed, my fingers played with one of my knives, feeling the cool metal against my palm. It flashed in the dim light streaming through the window, and sent a shiver through me. such a small, insignificant object. and yet it could take everything away in a second. it sent a wave of uneasiness, and brought me no closer to sleep. My mind stayed wide awake, a small boat being tossed over the ocean of doubts and fears, running over my thoughts, and my emotions, setting them out on display for me to dissect.

Once again I was in the rain, with salt spray on my cheeks and rain dripping down my back. And Malik was beside me, his arms around me as I sobbed. His hand on my cheek, so icy cold and yet hotter than a flame. And then he was gone, because I had leapt away, a strange fear taking a hold of my heart, strangling my limbs. But what was I so afraid of?

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