[Chapter Sixteen]

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I walked beside Malik to Mad Dog's office, though I may as well have walked alone. So wrapped up in my own thoughts it was as if I were on a different planet, and Malik didn't exist next to me. What had that been? I could still feel his lips on my cheek, still feel the light stubble brush against my skin, could still smell his smoky, salty scent. Was I wrong in thinking that I had been too late? That I still might have a chance? A chance to what? A small voice thought sourly. To what, 'be' with him?

Was that even possible for us? For any of Death's assassins? What would happen after our work here was done? Would we go our separate ways, and never see each other again? My heart sank like an icy stone at the thought.

"Cora." Malik's voice drifted down through my thoughts and pulled me back into WrellHaven, his grey eyes watching me carefully, "Cora, Mad Dog's office is this way." He pointed away from where I had been walking, frowning slightly. We had gotten directions off one of the many men working around us, though I had barely been paying attention.

"Oh... right, of course." I said quietly, and I quickly righted my course.

"Cora, I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you." Malik said quietly as we walked, "I didn't mean to..."

"No, you didn't upset me." I said truthfully, "Just..."

"What is it?" he asked, and I could feel his gaze on me like a light breeze.

"I, umm..." how could I explain what I was thinking? I couldn't even sort through my own emotions and thoughts, let alone clarify them to someone else. "Let me get back to you on that." I finally said, aware that he was still waiting for an answer. He frowned, but didn't push it, and for that I was thankful.

"So?" Mad Dog barked as we walked into her office. She stood in the middle of the room, her two dogs curled up at her feet, though their dark eyes zeroed in on me. It was a small room in comparison to the rest of the gang's holding we had seen, with a large desk that took up most of the room in one corner, and in the other stood her apprentice, still wearing her heavy cloak. I briefly wondered what she had to hide underneath it.

"So," Malik growled, clearly displeased, "My apprentice has agreed to take on your terms and will go find the Black Darts with your apprentice."

"How lovely," Mad Dog smiled, kneeling down to pat her hounds, and I wondered how she managed to keep such beasts under her control, "Well, before we begin, I believe I would like to know your names. I will begin by introducing my apprentice, Eris." She gestured to the cloaked woman who bowed deeply.

"A pleasure." She said quietly, her voice deep and firm.

"My name is Malik. And my apprentice is Cora." Malik said stiffly, "If that is all I would rather like to have this put behind us." He crossed his arms, looking the most uncomfortable I had ever seen him. Mad Dog's smile only deepened, and I knew she was pleased with the unrest she had caused. I already feared her cold gaze, but I was now weary of her tactics. She seemed to know how best to cause someone discontent, even someone like Malik. With a shock I realised I had been her spanner in the works, and I wasn't sure how that made me feel.

"Of course," she nodded. "Eris. You know the way. Malik and I will await your return with bated breath." Eris bowed once more and walked away, leaving me to hurry after her. Mad Dog's words echoed out into the hall after me. "Do not fail us."


Eris led the way up through the blinding darkness of the stairs, guiding us with a lit torch. I watched the stairs as they wormed into view, the fire chasing away the shadows.

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