[Chapter Twenty-Four]

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I barely had time to block the blow. The force threw me backwards and I lay sprawled-eagle in the dust. I couldn't kill him. I was too weak, too injured. Too alone. If Malik were here he could do it. A small voice sighed in my head. I groaned and looked up to see silver whistling down towards my head. I rolled to the side, kicking out at Vincent's legs. He stumbled, but not very hard, and began to laugh as he grabbed my leg and dragged me towards him. The rough ground scratched at me, and his fingers dug into my flesh like claws.

"You're pathetic." He snarled, "All of you are. None of you will ever be as good as I was. But Death thought I was too dark for him. Too dark, for DEATH?" he laughed manically. He rested the tip of his sword on my throat and his dark eyes glinted. "But the Leviathan knew that I was good. Knew that I was better than even Death. And so he bore me his Mark. Of course, I still have Death's, and now that you have slayed the Leviathan I suppose we are now on equal playing fields. Though of course, against me, you will never be equal. You will always be below me. You all will."

"No wonder Death got rid of you!" I snarled, "You're horrible! You don't even understand what it means to have power!"

"Don't lecture me about power, foolish girl!" Vincent snarled, "I have sought it my whole life, and I have it, and you have nothing. My strive for it taught me many things – do not think you know things about it I do not."

"At least I'm not an arrogant, self-obsessed, and murder-happy try-hard!" I snapped back. I didn't know why I was provoking him – perhaps it was the fact I couldn't beat him. He was going to kill me. I may as well insult him as he does it. I wasn't going to wait for my death to come cowering. Vincent narrowed his eyes dangerously before he took a step away from me, dropping my leg back to the ground.

"Stand up." He snarled. I didn't move. "STAND UP!" he barked viciously. I stumbled to my feet, holding my ribs. Blood still trickled from my wound, but I knew it was closing up - even if it was doing so slowly. Vincent held his hand up and I saw grey lines darken his skin as the pain disappeared. I looked down to see the wound stitching up again. All of them were, the bruises fading from my skin, like paint being rubbed away.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

"Arrogant I may be," Vincent snarled, "But a try-hard I am not. You wish to be beaten on fair grounds, so be it. But beaten you will still be." I stood in confusion and caution as he healed my wounds. I glanced around out of the corner of my eye to see red and black cloaks littering the ground. Some zealots still lay on the ground, some breathing, some not, but most were gone.

"Those who live have returned to our church." Vincent snapped, noticing my glances, "To await my word. And I know Haleck is dead. It does not matter – he was only a tool we needed to gain power over WrellHaven. With him dead I may seize his throne – none can oppose me."

"I can oppose you." I hissed, "I will. Until there is no breath in my body." Vincent only grinned before he suddenly stepped back and took his sword with both hands

"Are you ready to die?" Vincent whispered as I imitated him, gripping my sword and shield. I had never used a shield in a close fight, but I wanted as much protection as I could have. Even if I wasn't exhausted, and even with my wounds healed, I knew I would be sitting on the defensive.

I saw grey marks rove over Vincent's skin and knew I wouldn't last a moment unless I did the same. I drew on my Mark and felt strength and pain rush simultaneously through me. Vincent chuckled.

"You feel the pain of the innocent you killed, don't you?" he grinned cruelly, "A nasty ploy Death tried to enforce on me too. But the Leviathan freed me from that burden. I use my power without cost. Without pain."

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