[Chapter Nineteen]

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"Good to see you both once more." Malik said, his voice sounding different and faint, "Lady Lorindale, you look as magnificent as always." She flushed pleasantly and I saw his Lordship chuckle. Of course, she wouldn't have my name. We were from different times – she was in an era almost 150 years before mine. She smiled back at me, looking prettier in her tight pastel dress than I ever could now. I could hear Malik's thoughts about me, some about my apparent husband, as well as what he was here to do.

"That she does!" Lord Lorindale said proudly, his chest puffed out like a rooster's, "My beautiful wife." I shuddered inwardly as Malik's jaw clenched. I could see sadness behind my eyes in Lady Lorindale's and knew she didn't want to be married to this man. I wondered if he beat her... me... us... had I been destined in my lives to be born into a world of abuse. Was that why I had been so willing to escape the cycle of death and rebirth?

"Is her ladyship ready to leave?" Malik asked. His eyes kept roving back to her and I knew that if I could've blushed I would've been red-faced with embarrassment at his thoughts. Bu amongst the embarrassment, I was also pleased.

"She is. A carriage is on its way to take you two away." Lord Lorindale pulled Malik aside and whispered to him in a hushed voice, "You will keep her safe. That is what I am paying you to do." Malik nodded.

"I'll protect her with my life." He said. I remembered what he had told me; that he had a specific skill set. "Is there anything else, your Lordship?"

"Yes. Make sure you bring her back to me. I don't want to lose her." the words were sweet, but the tone was one of greed. I heard Malik's thoughts echo in his head.

You old pig, I know you only want her because she's beautiful. "Of course, she will be in the safest hands." Malik nodded. I wondered if Malik was Death's apprentice at this time, or if he was merely human. No, I could feel his heart beat... and he was warm. Not like he had been when I had met him. Lord Lorindale stepped away from him and gestured her Lady over to them.

"Malik will be taking care of you for the next few weeks, until we sort out these problems here. Darling, it will be fine. I will come and get you when I think it is safe enough." He seemed like he was trying to break the news to her gently, but I could see she was barely containing her joy at the separation – I couldn't blame her.

Malik held his hand out to her.

"If you will come this way, my Lady." He said, bowing. I saw a light flush creep up my neck, just where it had when I was alive. Something didn't change, I guessed, even when my name had. She took his arm and he helped he exit the room.

Outside Malik helped her into a carriage before pushing her baggage up behind her. He signalled to the driver of the carriage before climbing in him and pulling the door shut behind him. Inside it was dark and cool, and quiet except for the thuds of rain on the roof. A moment later there was a slight lurch as the carriage began rolling. I could feel every inch of Malik's body come alive as he sat in the darkness with this girl. This girl who had been me.

"Lara." Malik breathed. I still wasn't used to feeling my mouth talk when I hadn't wished to.

"Malik." So my name had been Lara. Malik's eyes adjusted to the dark and I was able to see her, and her bright eyes locked onto his. I felt feelings rush through his body and knew that she was experiencing them too. Malik stood and sat down beside Lara. It was obvious from the two of them that they knew each other well – how had we met? I watched as Malik's eyes roved down over her body and then back up, pausing on her lips.

"We can't do this." Lara whispered. I felt her cool breath on Malik's neck as if it was my own neck. I felt his skin prickle with anticipation and his heart race with excitement. His fingers rose to cup her cheek and I felt her lean into them. "My... hu...husband... he would kill us." She cried. I could hear the fear in her voice, and Malik's smile softened.

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