[Chapter Ten]

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Once again we moved through the sewers, the smell permeating everything around us. Malik walked a few paces in front of me, his nose close to his map lit by a small flame. He twisted suddenly, walking down through a small passage down into endless darkness.

I listened as rats scurried away from the approaching light, and saw the bones of small animals scattered far and wide over the stone floors. Every few minutes we would pass under a grate, the dim moonlight outside drifting down to dust our shoulders for a brief moment until we were once again swallowed by darkness.

"How much further?" I asked softly, my voice bouncing down ahead of us in the quiet night. The sewers seemed so much darker and larger at night.

"We have a few more grates until we reach the compound." Malik answered without looking up from his map. I wondered how he had drawn it so well, considering he had had no paper or pen on him whilst Tim had been showing us around.

We passed under another grate and I heard the quick snippet of conversation between two Patrol Officers. Malik briefly covered his flame, and we stood in darkness until the men passed. Without pause Malik's light burned into existence and we continued on, shadows creeping up against my heels.

We finally came to our exit point, a square barely big enough for me to squeeze through, despite my small size. And there was definitely no way Malik was going to fit through.

"Your brother is fucking useless." Malik cursed, slamming a fist against the sewer wall, "He didn't think to let us know we wouldn't be able to fit through?"

"I can." I said softly.


"Fit through." I elaborated, "I'm small enough."

"If you think I am going to let you just slide on up into a district prison without me," Malik growled, "Then you are sorely mistaken."

"Nathan said there was an unguarded building a short while away." I said swiftly, hoping he wouldn't interrupt, "If I go through here I can hide out in there until you find another way in. that way you won't have me holding you back when you sneak in the more difficult route."

"You don't hold me back." Malik said suddenly, almost without thought. He suddenly grinned, "Not too much, anyway." I punched him on the shoulder and moved to the wall under the grate.

"Give me a boost?" I asked quickly, pointing up. Hesitating, Malik finally nodded and laced his hands together, offering me a step up. I gently put my boot in his hands and jumped, hands wrapping around cold steel.

"You good?" Malik asked, straightening up, holding me high.

"I'm good." I said, struggling to remain upright as I shoved against the bars, pushing them away. At first they didn't move, until with a small groan they shifted. A few moments later the grate was pushed aside and I could slide through.

My fingers left the cold steel and grasped rough stone, hauling me up above ground. Outside a light mist had formed, shrouding the ground like a cloak. I shivered as it brushed my exposed face and neck, and crawled back to the edge of the grate. Looking down I could see Malik staring up at me from the darkness, the flame glittering under his chin.

"The execution building shouldn't be too far away." He said hurriedly, "Go quietly, and let yourself in. it shouldn't be locked – there's nothing of real value inside."

"What if it is?" I asked, worry gnawing at my stomach. With the stone ground between us, I suddenly felt much more vulnerable. If something happened Malik wouldn't be able to step in and help.

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