[Chapter Twenty]

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I screamed as I fell, feeling dark, black emptiness clutch me in a tight grip. I fell and fell and fell until I hit pavement and I blinked, expecting pain to shoot through me. None came. The scene was drastically different, and I glanced around, momentarily confused. I stood on a balcony overlooking a street. Lamps lit the area, and it was a cool clear night. I heard footsteps and my new found paranoia kicked in until I realised I couldn't be harmed – not in this world. My surviving such a fall was evidence enough of that.

"Anya!" a voice hissed from below and I looked down to see Malik staring back at me. He looked very much the way he had when I had known him. Bright grey eyes, dark hair and pale skin, and yet there was no dark... something that swirled behind his eyes. What had made him have such emotions hidden in him? I heard a door open and turned to see Anya sneak out onto the balcony, appearing even more like me than Lara had. The only difference I noticed was that Anya was slightly taller than I was, and her hair was cut a bit shorter. Otherwise we were identical - but of course we were.

"Malik?" Anya cried, leaning far over the balcony. I wondered if she would fall for a brief moment. I followed her gaze to see an empty street. Where had Malik gone?

"Anya." A soft voice murmured as the doors closed behind us. I whirled around, as did Anya to see Malik leaning against the wall, a single rose in his hand. It was a black rose; I knew where he had gotten it. He strode across the balcony, dropping the rose onto the railing, and picked Anya up into a bone crushing hug. He kissed her, softly at first, before his lips became more urgent and she giggled. I felt jealous despite the fact that she was still technically me. I pushed away those thoughts and stood waiting, watching. I remembered his cold lips on mine, the feeling of his firm body pressed against mine. The way we had fit against each other tightly, like two pieces of a puzzle and I felt the threat of tears. I hastily blinked as the two broke apart, both breathless and both grinning. He looked just as he had after we had kissed. Happier. With no haunting look to him.

"I don't have much time." Malik said softly, "I just had to see you." Anya nodded.

"I'm glad you came, but please, don't leave so soon. My father is entertaining... my mother is out. We would be alone." She walked her fingers down his chest, over his stomach and hooked them into the waistband of his pants. I averted my gaze as Malik gave a low groan.

"You are such a bad influence on me," he whispered, "You're giving me ideas."

"Please, enlighten me." Anya giggled. Malik pressed his forehead against hers as her fingers wondered back up to his shoulders.

"I must go, La... Anya." Malik said softly. Anya didn't seem to notice him stumble over the words but I did. He had been about to call her Lara – I was almost certain. "I will see you again soon," Malik grinned, "But..." he kissed her, "I have to..." his lips moved to her throat, "Go." She giggled as he kissed her collar bone, visible at the neck over her dress.

"Goodbye, Malik." Anya laughed as he took a few steps away from her, disappearing into the shadow. Even now with all I knew, I still had no clue how he managed to vanish into thin air. Anya turned away and leaned against the balcony. She looked flushed with pleasure. Her elbow grazing the rose. She picked it up and smiled to herself, breathing in its scent. I envied her, for just a second. Envied my previous life, however many years before mine it might've been. Once again the scene began to change, everything clouding over as if it were shrouded with steam, until it cleared again and I was standing in a room.

Malik sat tied to a chair, his arms bound behind his back and a cut over his cheek. I watched as it began to heal already, skin sewing itself together. A door opened and a man in a smart jacket and trousers entered, smoking a cigar. He stopped in front of Malik and leant down so he could look him in the eye. "You've killed a lot of my men and customers." The man growled, "And I don't like that."

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