[Chapter Twenty-Two]

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The sky was clear and the night was icy cold. I shivered in my cloak as I crept along the ledge rimming the building. Below Patrol Officers paced back and forwards, keeping watch by the gate. I resisted the urge to grin. It had been almost too easy to sneak past them and climb up the nearest tree. From there I had edged out along the tallest branches to step onto the ledge. They didn't even glance up to check if there was someone climbing the building. King Haleck's room was the highest one up, and I had a long climb before me. But I could take my time.

I turned quickly, toes almost slipping on the wet ledge, and looked up to find my next hand hold. There was a network of steel bracings ringing up the tower, along with the sills of windows. High up, almost invisible in the dark I could see the balcony that led into Haleck's room. It was the only entrance on the entire building, save for the small windows. I felt the mark just below my elbow give a painful throb as I clenched my hand into a fist. I was going to need help with my climb.

Pain ricocheted through my body as I drew on the power of the mark and I leapt up towards the next ring on the tower. I felt lighter, as if I weighed no more than a leaf on the wind, but the pain that coursed through my veins was burning me like blue flames. I grimaced, biting down on my tongue and groaning under my breath as I tried to keep the pain in check. I had practiced using the Mark a few times; to gage how much pain I would be in; to see if I could build up immunity to it as Malik had. The first time I had tried my vision had flickered before me and my legs had collapsed. The pain left as soon as I stopped using the mark, but my limbs still shook with its aftermath. Now I no longer screamed in agony at the pain, but my vision seemed to waver darkly as a fresh wave tore through my torso. It was like finger of pain were scratching and clawing their way through my flesh, all worming down through me to my unbeating heart.

My fingers latched onto the ring of steel above me and I released the power, letting myself rest. My limbs shook and my breath rattled in my lungs. I couldn't even imagine using my power as Malik had, without even a show of pain.

As I slowly regained enough strength to stop myself from quaking I looked up at the next ring. I was just going to make a climb for it – no breaks. I had to finish this and fast. Then I could leave and have my revenge on the Zealots. I sucked in a sharp breath, steeling myself to feel the pain once more and clambered up so my feet were on top of the steel ring. It was only a few inches thick. I knew that if I hadn't been doing this with Malik for as long as I had, I would've fallen to my death already.

I leapt up, feeling my toes leave the steel and winced as the power coursed through me again, bringing with it hot, fiery pain that torched through my veins. My fingers grabbed the cold steel above me and I used it to haul myself up. Without breaking stride I pressed my foot to it and pushed up to the next steel ring. As I rose they got small and smaller. My foot slipped on the cold surface and I felt myself tumbling through thin air. My breath caught in my throat and I clawed out with my hands, trying to find a handhold. My fingers grazed stone and finally hit steel. I felt pain jar up through my arm. I cried out as I hauled myself up into standing position. I looked down at my hand to see the nail missing from one of my fingers and the rest grazed and bloody. I sucked in a sharp breath and waited for my wounds to heal. I could feel the power draining out of me. I felt something cold brush against my check and looked up to see dark clouds gathering overhead. Fearing rain and sleet I didn't wait for my fingers to heal before I continued the climb up. The higher I moved the colder it got and I realised what the cloud had brought. White flecks brushed past me, clinging to the fabric of my clothes; to my hair, and skin. I steadily grew colder and colder – my hands shook more violently as I grabbed the steel rings. I gritted my teeth and made the final jump for the balcony above me. Slipping silently over the railing and kneeling on the ground I halted, listening to see if anyone had noticed my climb. Only silence answered me. I crept forwards and peeked in through the window of the closed doors. There was a ruffle of feathers behind me and I ducked, flinching automatically.

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