[Chapter Nine]

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I felt something soft brush against my shoulder, like velvet. I blinked my eyes open, feeling tiredness cling to me, trying to pull me back into the world of dreams. I forced my eyes to stay open and looked around, unsure of what had woken me. I was in a strange place, a stone corridor that I did not recognise. Small fountains were set in the walls, evenly spaced along, but the water defied gravity, spiralling up towards the ceiling where it soaked into the stone. Was I back in the... what had Malik called it? The Outside?

I realised I was dressed in a fancy gown that hugged my thin figure, only showing off my lack of curves. I sighed, feeling the dark circles under my eyes, and wished for once I had at least a few soft edges to show off. I began to walk down the stone corridor, following the rich red rug that ran its length. But no matter how far I walked I couldn't see an end in sight. Deeming it useless to keep going, I stopped and glanced up at the walls, seeing nothing but bare stone.

"Cora." A voice breathed behind me and I felt soft hands on my hips. I almost jumped out of my skin, so startled by the sudden presence. I stiffened as their fingers wandered up my side and over my shoulders, moving to dangerous territory. They dug into my skin and forced me to turn so I was facing a strange man. I didn't recognise his face, couldn't make out his features, as if fogged glass was in the way. He wore fancy clothes that belonged in a time centuries ago, and his voice held a lilting accent I didn't recognise. His face shifted into what I assumed was a smile, and he leaned in to kiss my neck. With a cry of disgust I jerked away, pushing out of his reach. No, no, no!

"Get away from me." I snarled viciously, my anger a feral beast. Those days were over. And I was never going back.

"Come here, darling." The man insisted, walking after me. His fingers were inescapable, wrapping around my arms in a painful, vice-like grip. I could feel his nails cutting into my flesh and I bared my teeth in fury. I twisted free of one hand, stumbling away. But his fingers curled into claws, scrabbling at my dress, and I listened as the material tore. "Now, now, play nice." The man crooned, claws slipping through the torn material.

"I said let go of me!" I shoved him away and the man tripped. I took a few steps backwards, suddenly wishing I had a knife on me. Suddenly I wished Malik was with me.

As the man straightened up I saw a muscle in his cheek twitch. His blurred face came into sharp focus, as if a switch had been flicked, and I saw his cruel eyes lock onto mine angrily. I stopped breathing, backing away from him. I didn't know him... and yet, there was something about him... I felt like I had seen him before.

"What did you say to me?" he hissed, storming after me. I felt his hands go around my neck and he began to squeeze. At first all I felt was pressure... but then pain seeped into my skin, and his hot skin burned me.

"No!" I wheezed, "Please... st-stop."

"You're mine." He hissed, "You hear me? Mine."

"H-Help!" I coughed, "Please!" I scratched at his knuckles and fingers, getting skin and blood beneath my nails, but he didn't relent. I kicked out, my toe meeting flesh, and still he didn't free me. My vision went black at the edges, like ink had dripped onto a lens and I began to feel drowsy, as if I had been drugged. I clung to life by my fingertips, refusing to let go... but I couldn't... not for much longer... things were fading, and my fingers were slipping. "P...lease..." I struggled.

The scene changed drastically as the hands around my throat disappeared. Falling to the ground with a painful crunch, I massaged my throat, sucking in air, and looked up.

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