Chapter 9

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*Anusha Pov*

"Sha!" I heard the whisper, but I groaned, turning around and covering my ears to not get much disturbed.

"It's already late, Sha. I need to leave for the office and we need to have breakfast." The voice continued.

"Let me sleep!" I said in an irritated tone.

"They must be sitting at the table waiting for us." The voice commented.

"Then let them wait or if they feel hungry, let them eat whoever they are but just let me sleep whoever you are." Saying that I drifted off into sleep.

I woke up smiling, feeling completely fresh and glanced at the clock only to feel my heart skip beating and my eyes widened.

"No, no, no!" I whispered scrambling from the bed and rushed to the washroom hoping he is just showering inside and the clock is wrong.

"Satvik! My sweet husband, just be here." I whispered knocking and opening the washroom to see it empty.

I walked back to the bed and took out my phone before calling him. However, to not waste the time I took out the clothes along with my toothbrush.

"So, you finally got up?" I heard an amused voice.

"How could you not wake me up? It's twelve, Satvik!" I pointed out and he only chuckled.

"You didn't even remember me in your sleep, Sha. I tried for ten minutes before leaving." He explained still with amusement covering his words.

"Shall I just stay in this room until you return? Your Mom already hates me and now with this, I don't want to face her." I whispered and he fell into silence.

"Sha! You didn't have a good sleep yesterday and you were tired. I am sure she will understand." He assured me.

"But I most likely will be like this everyday unless I have some objective to get up at some time." I pointed out.

"And I don't have any job." I added.

"Just try for some other objective before you get a job." He suggested and I frowned thinking he is actually right.

"Okay! I will think of something." I mumbled sighing.

"And if Bhabhi says too much, just tell her it is all my fault." He suggested and I nodded for a second before understanding his suggestion.

"Satvik!" I scolded him before hanging up feeling my cheeks heating up.

After getting ready, I climbed down the stairs slowly and hesitated before turning around to do as per my first plan that is to stay in my room.

"Are you feeling fine now?" I heard a voice and turned to see Manvi.

"Huh?" I asked, looking at her.

"Satvik said you had a light fever and we thought it must be because of your wound. I should have been careful while cleaning up. Because of me, you got the fever." She said with complete guilty expression.

"No! I mean it's gone and it has been just a little I guess... and it just happened... you... you didn't do it intentionally... I just..." I trailed off my stuttering words and looked at her to see her worry look.

"You must be feeling weak because of which you are talking like that. Mom made some soup for you. Come and have it." She said tugging me to the dining room while I gaped at her.

Did whatever happened yesterday is just a dream? Is the today actually my first day after marriage? I asked myself pretty weird questions because of weird behavior I am seeing in this person who is dragging me.

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