Chapter 26

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*Anusha Pov*

"Hello?" I asked in a sleepy voice and immediately sat up hearing mom's voice.

"Anusha! I need you to be here right now." She demanded and I frowned glancing at the clock.

"Mom! It's just eight and I am still sleeping." I mumbled and let our a yawn.

"I don't care whether it is Sunday or not, but somehow I want to see you within half an hour." Saying that she hung up and I stared at the phone in shock.

Today is the only day I can stay away from him and she wants me to come there and see him? I mean not specifically, but he will be there, right?

Wait! What if he went to his parent's house? With that question in mind, I got ready and reached near my parent's place not within half an hour but definitely within an hour.

I walked inside and went directly near the dining area as the maid suggested to see Mom, Dad, Bhai and Kirthi sitting there with weird expressions.

"What happened?" I asked them frowning and Mom turned to look at me before taking something from the plate before her and forwarded it towards me.

I took a bite of it, frowning and immediately coughed with the weird taste filling my mouth. I moved fast to take the tissue and removed it from my mouth.

"What the hell is that?" I asked before taking a sip of water from the jug and turned to see him leaning on the kitchen wall looking at me.

"From one week he is torturing all of us and mainly me." Mom started, but I continued to stare at him.

Why is he covered in different things like yellow color and then red and his hands are covered with some cloth.

"How?" I asked, not turning away from him.

"He always tries to talk to me not leaving me in peace. I mean, why do I even want to talk to him when I have so many things to do. We never talk much like he tries to talk." She explained and I frowned.

From when did Satvik became talkative because he always talks very little, right? I shook my head and turned to look at Mom.

"That doesn't explain this rubbish." I pointed out and heard him taking a sharp breath in.

"Well, like all things this is also made by him." She explained.

"What?" I asked her with shock covering my features.

"Exactly! He got this weird idea that he will cook breakfast for everyone and this is what happened." Hearing her answer I again glanced at him but he is looking away from us.

"Aunty! What is wrong with it? Before maid's were only using the kitchen and now finally someone from family is using it. Isn't it a good thing?" Kirthi asked Mom and I shook my head.

"I want him out of this place, Anusha." Mom said ignoring Kirthi's remark.

"What can I do? Dad and you only can do something about it. And if this is the reason for me to waste my time from sleeping, then please don't do it again." Saying that I turned around to leave.

"Ansh! Go and get burnol from somewhere. I think my adopted brother got his hand burned." Hearing those words, I stopped in my tracks.

"Adopted brother?" Bhai asked, but something else struck me.

He burned his hands? I closed my eyes tightly and turned to walk towards the first aid kit in the living room before turning back towards them.

"Do something about this." Mom demanded Dad to which he stayed silent while Bhai and Kirthi are arguing about something.

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