Chapter 23

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*Anusha Pov*

"Thank you!" I said, smiling at the person standing before me or at least tried to smile while my eyes kept on moving over each one to see whether he is here yet.

"Your partner is here." The person announced and I twirled around to see him walking near to us.

I know I am staring at him and people around us must be observing it too but I really want to know what happened before. What was so different with both of us that something like that happened?

He smiled at me before answering to the congratulations he is getting from the people and I wish I can remove that smile for making me this confused.

"Hey! Comeon, everyone! We all enjoyed this fest and now just dance away. The floor is looking too empty." Someone commented and that made everyone move towards it some in pairs and some just individuals.

We both just stood away while talking to whoever that reached us to have a word with us. After sometime, we were called on the stage and were rewarded. This time I forgot everything and enjoyed our victory.

"Congratulations, Sha!" with his whisper I turned a little and gave a nod before repeating the words.

"Just enjoy the party and forget about everything else." He added and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"You know what I am..." I stopped my words to which he gave a nod and I just shook my head before walking away.

"May I have this dance?" some guy asked and I just nodded before walking to the stage.

"So, any plans of moving to another company?" he asked after a few seconds and I just gave him a stare before stopping the dance.

"I am not feeling that well." Saying that I walked off and it became an excuse for the next half an hour with everyone asking me the same question.

"Come on! Have a dance where you will not be asked about business." Suddenly the manager said and walked me near to Satvik instead of the stage.

"Maybe I will also try to get you on my team." He added shrugging and suggested both Satvik and I to dance.

I glanced up to see Satvik waiting for my decision to which I just gave a nod and we both walked near to the stage.

"So, decided on which company to join?" he asked placing his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Yeah! I am stuck between three companies." I replied placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Really?" he asked pulling me more to him and I can feel him smiling over my forehead.

We moved along the music and after a few minutes he calmly asked, "How about dinner with me?"

I didn't reply hearing the same question like from the past few days but finally nodded my reply after which he stilled.

"You are saying yes?" he asked in a shocked tone.

"Yeah!" I replied to which he gave a small laugh.

"I can't believe this. You are actually saying yes for dinner with me." He mumbled in an amazed tone to which I rolled my eyes.

"Where are we going for dinner?" I asked not wishing to question myself like him why did I accept his invitation.

"Actually... I didn't expect you to accept so I didn't book in any restaurent. And it will be difficult to get any spot now." He replied.

"So? Cancel?" I asked glancing up and he shook his head silently.

"If you are fine, we can have dinner at my room... or your room." He added the last part looking at my expression.

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