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//a-n: this book is not edited, and will be done so once completed. For now, please ignore my mistakes while writing this. Thank you. -natalie//

It's been thousands of years since the shattering of Pink Diamond. 

The thought of a once powerful being crumbling because of a defective soldier seems so pathetic, but so unbelievable.

But your diamond... she's gone.

"Hey, watch it!" You hissed at an Agrellite that had poked a needle on your chest. "I don't wanna poof here!" The Agrellite rolled her eyes and continued to sew the brand new 

Yellow Diamond patch over your old pink one. Your uniform, once a bright shade of pink, would be changed later. All the new gems would get their official uniforms, except for some elite gems from Pink Diamond's court.

Being in a new court seemed so foreign, so unfamiliar, it was just so—
"You're done."

You looked down at the light yellow patch. It suited your outfit perfectly. "Thanks," you muttered as you curtsied. The Agrellite nodded her head and called out, "NEXT!"

As you walked down a massive corridor decorated with cells, a small ruby ran up to you. "Excuse me, do you happen to be G/T {gem type} 284 cut GX5?"

Even though you had no idea what that meant, you nodded your head.

The ruby sighed and smiled. "Good, we have reports from Yellow Diamond that she needs you."

You raised an eyebrow. "Why would Yellow—I mean, my diamond need me? She has thousands of other G/Ts." You said. This was such a strange offer; why would your new diamond need you specifically? 

The ruby grabbed your wrist. "Doesn't matter, all I know is that I'm supposed to deliver you to her, got it?" She said quickly. You nodded your head and let this small gem lead you to another massive corridor filled with carvings and small screens. A large diamond-shaped door sat at the end of the hallway. The ruby placed her hand on the screen, and a bright green light flashed.

The door opened up and the ruby walked inside, crossing her hands over her chest in a diamond shape. "My diamond," she grumbled. "I present you, my Diamond, G/T 284 cut GX5, ready for mission Cluster," Ruby said.

You panicked, not sure how to react to your new diamond. Instead, you copied what Ruby was doing for a good start. Mission Cluster?

Loud clicking noises came from in front of you, and then they stopped. When you opened one of your eyes, you saw two large heels in front of you. "You may leave, Ruby. Thank you for bringing me G/T." Yellow Diamond's voice echoed in the large, yellow themed room.

Ruby bowed one more time before she marched out of the room, the diamond door shutting behind her.

"So, you're the G/T everyone's talking about...?"

You looked up to see Yellow Diamond raising an eyebrow. Sweat trickled down your forehead. "I have no idea what you mean, my diamond."

Yellow rolled her eyes; her perfect winged-eyeliner eyes. "You're the gem that mainly helped end the rebellion, am I correct?" She took a seat on a large crystalline throne near the back of the room. You took some steps closer to avoid the large distance gap between you two. You then nodded. "Yes, my Diamond. I, uh... I killed at least 10 soldiers of the rebellion, one including a Crystal Gem. I did not provide as much casualties as everyone else, why have you chosen me for this mission?"

"You provided the shatter of a crystal gem, along with 3 other of their allies. That's the most your facet has provided. You did not disappoint me. I believed  your facet would have done worse"

You frowned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Yellow nodded boredly and summoned a screen.

"So, about Mission Cluster..."

//Edit: Chapter two is being re-written. It is unpublished and will be returning shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.//

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