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Nearly halfway towards the house, you froze. You feet seemed to feel cemented to the ground, although it was just grainy sand. Jasper made a grunt as she stopped herself from nearly trucking you; but she did stop behind you.

Three gems were now standing on the make-shift balcony and were staring at you and Jasper. Both of you froze, and stared back, locked in some sort of staring contest. "We gotta go," Jasper hissed in your ear before she began running back in the direction of the sand dune.

"HEY!" A loud voice boomed from the tallest gem. She summoned large-Crystal like gauntlets with yellow stars. "Those symbols..." you muttered before Jasper yelled at you from the dune, "MOVE IT!"

You snapped out of your trance and instead of obeying her orders, you summoned you weapon. For some reason, though, your mind snapped. You just became angry at Jasper's constant commands. As pissed as you were, you sighed and ran over to her. She told you to stay there as the three gems ran out into the middle of the sandy area. You recognized their gem types: An Amethyst, 'Probably a defect,' A Pearl, 'She might belong to that tall gem in the middle,' And a tall garnet gem. Weren't those capable only by cross gem fusions? You didn't remember. Gem studies were boring.

Jasper chuckled and cracked her knuckles. Even though she didn't have her destabilized, you knew she could still poof the gems. Why did she seem so nervous at first? It was a mystery to you.

Then, it hit you.

These weren't just regular gems;

They were THE Crystal Gems.

Their leader shattered your diamond...

Pink Diamond.

You understood Jasper's potential fear and ran beside her. "G/N, I don't need you here, I've got this myself," she whispered quickly to you just as the Amethyst swung a crystalline-covered whip at you. Jasper shoved you out of the way and grabbed the whip. She brought it up high and swung it down, forcing the whip to reverse its force back to the Amethyst. She quickly let go of the whip as it cracked loudly, hitting nothing but the air.

"I want to help, though! Isn't that the purpose of this mission, for me and you and those other two gems to figure out what's going on with this planet?!" You yelled at her. She didn't respond. The Pearl summoned a sword from her magnificent gem atop her forehead and spun it quickly with her fingers, as if it were a baton. She then aimed at you and hurled the thing at you like it was a dart.

Jasper didn't notice you, for she was busy fighting the Garnet. You jumped back up in time and dodged the spear, quickly summoning your weapon. The W/C shined brightly under Earth's sun, making you feel a little more powerful.

The Pearl and Amethyst charged at you, and instead of running or dodging, you ran at them straight ahead. An overwhelming sense of power flooded your body from your gem, causing an evil smirk to form on your face. The Amethyst runt cracked her whip at you, but you smacked it out of the way with your W/C. It got tangled though, and instead of retrieving it, you summoned another W/C. "Gems make everything handier!" You chimed.

"Who the heck are these gems?!" The Pearl yelled at the Garnet.

"Homeworld!" The Garnet yelled back. She and Jasper fought for a little longer until Jasper was knocked back into the dune, causing her body shape to appear at least two feet deep.

"Jasper!" You cried out. You tried to run for her, but a strong hand grabbed you. It forcefully pulled you back. You helped, surprised.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere," the Garnet spoke.

A nearby noise caught your attention right as the Garnet was about to smush you between her gauntlets. Loud footsteps in the sand, that is.

"G/N!" Jasper was out of her sandy grave, and she was running at you. Her body turned into what looked like a rolling fireball, and she caught Garnet by surprise as she rammed into her. Her grasp on you loosened, and she let go.

The three Gems moved out of the way, yelling ferociously. Jasper was still going so quick on her fireball stage, that when she de-formed, she accidentally tripped and tumbled into you. Both of you were sent tumbling down for a while before a bright light consumed you both...

And your minds.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Here's the part you've all been waiting for. Sorry for my absence, I got terribly sick.

More goodness coming soon! -Natalie ♥︎

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