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The Crystal Gems had re-tied you and Peridot up with Amethyst's whip, while Jasper had been kept in a bubble Steven had placed around her. She was yelling and spinning around in the bubble, her words hardly sounding English.

Steven and Connie stood guiltily by the bubble, Steven mainting his hold onto it while looking at Garnet. Amethyst and Pearl stood guard-like around you and Peridot, making sure you both won't try and slip away.

"Steven! What were you thinking?!" Garnet seemed very upset. She had taken off her shades, revealing her three angry yet worried eyes. Each one portrayed a specific color, a lovely shade of fiery red, one like the deepest ocean, and the third was a soft violet color. It was lovely.

"I'm sorry Garnet, I got a little curious, I just wanted to--" he began.

"No excuses, Steven! Do you even KNOW what these gems could've done!?" Pearl suddenly scolded, trying to keep herself from screaming too loudly. "And Connie, I expected better from you, you're supposed to be responsible!" Pearl shook her head in shame. Connie looked down at her feet, flustered. "Go home. Steven is grounded for a week from visiting you, and is two weeks banned from the television."

Steven gave Pearl and Garnet the biggest puppy eyes he could muster. "What? But the season finale for Crying Breakfast Friends is premiering in two days!" he whined.

"Steven..." Garnet sighed. The trio began to argue as an upset Connie left the temple.

Jasper continued to scream from inside the bubble, still trying to penetrate it with her helmet and her fist. You flashed her a glare, and both of your eyes locked. Her orange orbs softened at your gaze, and she looked down in shame. You smiled at her and nodded. Finally, she calmed down.

Peridot had her lips drawn into a thin line. She was squirming and grunting. A small drop of perspiration ran down her cheek.. or was it a tear? It was hard to tell from your angle. The whip was so tight, it was hard to move; Even the small crystals embedded in the three were digging into your skin.

Out of nowhere, Peridot interrupted the conversation with the gem trio. "You CLODS! Stop your bickering and let us go! Let ME go!" She hissed.

The trio stopped their bickering and turned around, each one sporting a strong glare towards the tiny green gem. You sighed. "You can't shut up for one minute, can you?" You hissed. Peridot hissed back, but without any words. She then looked back at everyone. "CLODS! If Yellow Diamond knew what you were up to, you'd all be shattered before her!" She moved more in the whip, until Steven asked, "Where's Amethyst?"

As if on cue, the purple gem walked into the room, carrying a large sandwich. "Hey guys, what'd I miss?" She took a massive bite out of the sandwich. A little mustard squirted from the bottom of it, hitting Pearl's star logo on her tank.

Pearl scowled. "Oh..!" She rubbed at the stain, only smudging it worse. She stopped messing with it, and then wagged a finger at Amethyst violently. "AMETHYST! You were supposed to be watching the other two gems!" She scolded.

Amethyst shrugged. Garnet raised an eyebrow. "She's right, Amethyst. You're supposed to be watching the other gems."

"What? I got hungry!" She replies, holding her sandwich in the air.

Steven only face palmed and groaned. He made the mistake of loosening his power on the bubble, and Jasper broke out, rolling like a tornado at the group. Pearl watched in horror, but luckily her instincts forced her to shove Steven out of the way and into the wall. Amethyst dropped her sandwich as she summoned a second whip to counter, but Jasper rolled into the sandwich and smushed it.

Amethyst fell to her knees and screamed, "Nooooo!"

Jasper then hit Garnet, slamming her into a wall. The bubbles in the air shook violently as the wall behind Garnet cracked.

You gasped, and Peridot began to squirm more, until the whip came loose. She looked in both directions before she leapt into the black void where the bottom of the Crystal Heart was placed.

Steven pointed at Peridot. "She's escaping!" and immediately, Pearl grabbed the boy. "I'm taking you away from here. It's too dangerous, let's go get her!" She charged to the pit and jumped down. Steven happily cheering "Woohoo!" Echoed.

You looked at the scene, bored. Can Jasper ever calm down just for once?

Jasper and Garnet just spent some time fist fighting, while you picked up Amethyst's fallen sandwich. You examined it, then threw it at Garnet. Garnet didn't care, she kept on fighting.

You looked down towards the pit and decided to exit that way. You summoned your weapon -just in case- and looked towards Jasper. "See ya!" You chuckled and fell backwards into the pit, darkness consuming you.



A yellow gem's large white boots clicked down a pink hallway. The large rectangular and flower-themed columns shone brightly, like your diamond once did.

The gem walked into a large room, hidden from anyone's view if you went into the wrong hallway.

"Holly~!" The gem sang. It was clear she was an agate, since no one with her authority was allowed into the room. Holly Blue was scolding an amethyst, and she paused and sighed when Yellow Agate walked into the room. She turned to her fellow agate as the Amethyst behind her sighed and smiled in relief. "What is it now, Sunny?"

Sunny was the Yellow Sun Agate's name. Her type wasn't a very respected gem because of their generosity, so that's why they were used as ship-keepers because they were too nice for any other task.

"Remember when we launched the Jasper, (G/N), Peridot and Lapis Lazuli to Earth...?" She asked hesitantly, nervously playing with the hem of her cloak.

Holly nodded. "Yes. What about them?" she quickly shooed the Amethyst out the room and shut the door. "You better not have sent them in a bad ship. Remember what happened last time?"

Sunny sadly nodded. She once sent some gems onto a broken ship, and the ship broke mid-flight to one of Blue Diamond's planets. The gems were scattered in space, and Sunny was punished severely... her gem was slightly cracked, but not enough to where she could suffer terrible damage. "That's not the issue."

Holly raised an eyebrow. "What is then? Hurry up and explain it to me, I've got business to attend."

"I..." Sunny rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, the ship lost connection and crashed into Earth. Location unknown, coordinates unretrievable. I have no status for their gems, so they could've shattered for all I know..." She smiled sheepishly.

As Holly Blue began to yell at Sunny, the Amethyst from earlier began to sprint from the door where she was listening.

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