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//A/N: Oh my, so many votes... I should update more often. Thank you all for your kind words and funny jokes while I was away. Thank you. -natalie//

The sound of rain pattering against the roof of the hollow cave was enough to wake you. You immediately felt the cold air brush against your exposed arms and face. 'A storm must've blown in overnight,' you thought. 

This wasn't your first storm; you've seen many during your days on Earth. It wasn't strange, but one thing that made you confused was the lack of a body next to you in the small crater serving as a bed.

You sat up, and grains of sand fell from your hair. Dusting them away, you turned your head to the once warm spot taking up about three-fourths of the crater. Then, you got up and looked at the ivy curtain at the entrance to the cave. "...Jasper?" You called out.

Another alarm set off in your head when you found no Peridot in sight. Your chest felt tight, and the feeling wouldn't go. 'Maybe something happened while you were sleeping,' Your conscious whispered from afar. You accepted that to keep yourself from panicking.

When you brushed away the vegetation from the front of the cave, rain fell in light sheets. The ocean appeared to be bubbling and foaming, and a familiar neon orange body snapped your eyes into focus.

It was Jasper. She was laying down, staring up at the sky, ignoring the water pelting her skin and the salty ocean messing up her now damp and dark hair. Her face, one deep in thought and slightly full of sorrow, barely registered your presence as you knelt beside her and cupped one of her cheeks. "Jasper?"

She barely moved. It was as if she was just frozen in time. Not even a quiver of her eyelids as you scooped up some salty water and poured it into her unblinking eyes. But would she even have one? She's a pretty tough gem.

Then, her jaw lazily dropped open. "{{G/N}}," She spoke. Her pronunciation was slurred, but the strange part was how her mouth never moved. The voice, it wasn't hers, but it was somewhat familiar.

By now, you were soaking wet and irritated as the ocean's once gentle waves were now brushing up against your legs more roughly. You frowned and tugged at her arms, having to use both hands to prevent her body from being swept away. "Jasper, get up! I can't drag you back to the cave by myself," you grunted, still trying to move her to dry land, but she seemed stuck.

"Don't even try. You left me on that battlefield; alone, cold, and fighting the rebels," She spoke again, and this time, she sat up. The voice clicked in your mind. "...Ametrine? Is that you? H-how...?" You were surprised, but an underlying tone of confusion was present.

'She can't be here... she was shattered years ago... How polluted is this atmosphere again?'

"Yeah, of course, it's me. Don't you recognize an old friend from your facet?" Her voice wasn't it's usual loud-and-proud tonality; it was dark, cold, and empty. Jasper -or was it Ametrine? It was hard to tell what possessed this body- stood up, and the waves began to strike the shore more violently, knocking you onto your side when trying to get up from crouching.

Pushing yourself up from the sand was a struggle, but 'Jasper' helped you up with a smile that could only be described as uncanny. Her grip was tight on your arm, but you were used to that; Jasper did this quite often.

"Uhm... thanks?" Was all you could muster. This was definitely not awkward as hell.

"You're welcome, friend. Why don't we have a seat in that cave o'er there? Get outta the rain, eh?" She nudged your shoulder and released her grip on you, but everything still didn't seem right.

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